Side Effects May Include

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Summary: Cast list, elixir consequences and Eddie makes a choice.

Evie's Notes: I have Covid so I've had plenty of time to write so enjoy the double post.


Auditions for the Frobisher Academy Spring Musical went smoothly with only minor bumps. So it was with great excitement that the year twelve students were gathered outside Miss Valentine's office awaiting the posting of the official cast list.

"Oh my god I can't wait any longer" complained Abbi as she stood with the other Osiris house residents.

"I am so nervous! I have to know if I made it" muttered Josie worriedly.

"I'm sure I totally messed up. I'm probably playing a camel again" worried Jerome.

"I swear the list was up earlier last year" huffed José.

"Hush up, It'll come when she's done with it" corrected Josie, slapping the boy's shoulder lightly.

"I'm just glad I didn't have to write it this time," commented Nina, leaning against the lockers wearing a large set of sunglasses. The other Sibunas were also in similar states, since the discomfort of the elixir wearing off had finally started to hit them.

"As long as I play a person I'm good," commented Tobey.

It only took a couple more minutes before Ms. Valentine exited her office and was mobbed by the gathered students. "All right, back up. BACK UP" she yelled.

The group reluctantly backed up and allowed her to pass through the gathered throng to the bulletin board where she posted the cast list.

Frobisher Academy Presents Into The Woods:
The Baker - Eddie

The Witch - K.T.

Cinderella - Joy

Jack - Tobey

The Baker's Wife - Abbi

Little Red Riding Hood - Josie

Florinda - Anastasia

Lucinda - Patricia

The Giant - Hadrian

Jack's Mother - Marissa

Milky-White - Tessa

Rapunzel's Prince - Henry

Cinderella's Stepmother - Amber

Cinderella's Prince - Mick

Rapunzel - Liliana

The Narrator - Laura

Cinderella's Mother - Natasha

The Wolf - Jerome

The Steward - Fabian

Ensamble: Ryn, Mara, Alfie, Andrew, Alex, Philip, Liny

Remaining year twelves: Stage Crew

There was great rejoicing and yells of despair as the group read the list. The ringing of the bell signaled that it was time for their next lesson. Doing their best to put the play announcement out of their mind, the students dispersed for their next classes.

* Scent of Lavender * Scent of Lavender *

The morning of her birthday Liliana woke up with the crushing headache she had been feeling for the last couple of days now paired with muscle pain. She was set on having a good birthday though, so when Jerome, Alfie and Amber burst into her room waking up K.T. she forced a happy smile on her face. Accepting the group's hugs and kisses she promised to be down stairs for breakfast in a few minutes.

Scent of Lavender: House of AnubisWhere stories live. Discover now