Into The Woods

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Summary: Our Students go "Into The Woods" both on stage and IRL

Evie's Notes: Enjoy this bonus chapter. It was a lot of fun to write - xo Evie


Hell Week was called Hell Week for a reason. The week leading up to the twelfth year's production of "Into the Woods" was incredibly stressful. This whole process had brought out a strict taskmaster side of Miss Valentine that the students had never seen. Whenever the teens had a spare moment they were running choreography, lines and melodies doing their best to prepare for their upcoming performance.

* Scent of Lavender * Scent of Lavender *

The day of the performance dawned early for the Anubis students. Mr. Sweet had given them the afternoon off classes in order to prepare. Miss Valentine ordered everyone to the Drama Studio for their final run through. Putting on their costumes, the group prepared for their final dress rehearsal.

The group celebrated another successful run through. Miss Valentine gave them their final notes before dismissing them for supper. As they ate, the Anubis students opened their good luck cards. Some were from their parents and friends, but each Anubis student also got a hand written specialized good luck card from Trudy who promised to be in the audience that night with her new fiance, Fabian's Uncle Ade.

* Scent of Lavender * Scent of Lavender *

The play went smoothly which was a surprise to the students given the chaos of their tenth year show with Mr. Winkler. Taking their bows, the group looked out over the audience of their friends, family and teachers. Heading back to Anubis, the twelfth year students celebrated the completion of their show and the likely "A+" grades headed their way.

The group couldn't party too long that night, as they still had to pack for their upcoming twelfth year bonding trip, Camping at Ader Falls.

* Scent of Lavender * Scent of Lavender *

"How much farther till we get there?" whined Joy.

"I don't know why you're complaining. I'm literally the one carrying you" panted Eddie incredulously as he struggled to carry Joy on his back while the group climbed the mountain.

"But my ankle hurts," pouted Joy, dropping her head against Eddie's shoulder.

"I know J-bird, but the campsite should just be up over the next ridge" comforted Patricia, shooting a comforting smile her besties way.

"Your ankle wouldn't be hurting you if you hadn't been goofing off with Alfie at our last water break" scolded KT, rolling her eyes fondly at her girlfriend's dramatics.

"He dared me to jump off the boulder, what was I supposed to do? Say No?"

"YES!" shouted the entirety of the twelfth year class.

"You go jump off a boulder" grumbled Joy bitterly as she tucked her head into Eddie's hair.

The students hiked for about another five minutes up over the ridge, before finally reaching their campsite. The speedier climbers had reached the site first and had already begun to set up camp. Eddie carefully placed Joy down on a nearby tree stump.

"You should be fine here while I go help Fabian set up our tent" explained her best friend passing Joy her water bottle.

"Thanks Eddie" grinned Joy. "I'd offer to help with ours but Mara is handling it and I'm a little scared to get in her way"

"Yeah... that's probably a safe bet" laughed Eddie, heading off to help his roommate who had somehow already managed to get himself tangled up in the tent canvas and poles.

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