Blood Is Thicker Than Water

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Summary: We find out what really happened at the airport and what V and V have been up to... in short nothing good!

Evie's Notes: Happy Monday! I hope you all had a wonderful week 🥰. Thank you so much your support of this story, it truly means the world to me 💜! I hope that you all enjoy the this new update 🌺.

**A heads up that I took some liberties with KT's family history and general backstory.


"So what really happened at the airport?" asked Lili as she tenderly laid the gorgeous fabric Nina and Fabian had purchased for her in Cairo back in the gift box.

"Oh, well you remember how I texted you all about my slight abduction and subsequent run in with the sketchy warehouse group?"

"Yeah, you said the old guy had a connection to Sarah or something?" supplied Lili.

"Yeah, well he sent his lackey, Alexandros, to try and rough K.T. and I up. When Gran and I finally returned to the States, he kept trying to contact me and get me to come back to Cairo to 'hone my chosen one skills'. Like I gave him a pass for creepiness the first time because I was blindsided by Sarah stories and gifts. But no... no way! Alexandros told us that we weren't to return because of some 'great evil' and that my osirian and I weren't safe. I'm just glad that he hasn't successfully figured out Eddie's identity yet".

"Yikes, he seriously seems like bad news. How did you guys get away?" wondered Amber, from her spot on the carpet painting her toenails a brilliant magenta.

"I used one of your jiu jitsu moves to knock him down, grabbed KT and ran for the checkpoint. We were able to get through the fist security gate before him and his back up goons caught up so we were safe"

"Well I guess the TSA is good for one thing," laughed Lili. "Speaking of KT, she's positively lovely. How on earth did you two find each other?".

"I finally convinced Gran to complete that DNA test and the results revealed so many new family members. Gran was thrilled to know that she had actual blood so close to home. It was more shocking for me, given who KT's family is and therefore my extended family".

"Who's her family?" asked Amber.

"You'll never believe me. I didn't believe her when she first told me".

"Just tell us already Neens, gosh you're worse than Roe with this teasing" whined Lili impatiently.

"K.T.'s great grandfather is Robert Frobisher-Smythe"


"Yeah, apparently he was married to this other lady, Cora. The pair had an awful relationship and Cora ran away with their daughter Dorthea. Frobisher then married Louisa and they had Sarah".

"I'm still confused as to how you fit into all of this?" asked Lili. "I feel like I need a whiteboard to create a family tree".

"I know! Fabian and I dedicated an entire wall in our flat to mapping out all of our family members. The DNA test led to Gran and I discovering that she was the daughter of Lousia and Robert, but was given up due to their busy schedule. Apparently Robert only wanted another child if they were a boy so he forced Louisa to put the child up for adoption".

"Yikes, poor Granny Martin, that had to have hurt. How did she find out those details?" sympathized Amber.

"They were documented in some of the journals Mr. Englavista gave me over the summer".

"Well as awful as that is, it at least helps explain how the Chosen One gene activated in you" figured Liliana.

"Yeah, that's one mystery closed. I'm ready to leave all of that nonsense behind for a peaceful school year" agreed Nina. The girls then turned their attention towards their homework, hoping to knock out most of it before supper.

* Scent of Lavender * Scent of Lavender *

Elsewhere in the house plans were being made to ensure that Nina's peaceful year would not exist. Carrying a tray of appetizers into Victor's office, Vera prepared to update the man on their progress.

"Knock knock, appetizer delivery" beamed the woman, knowing that he couldn't resist her blue cheese, pumpkin and date bites.

"Ah, Vera please come in"

Placing the tray down on the desk between them she made herself comfortable in what had quickly become 'her' chair. She was so happy she had talked Victor into getting new furniture for the office, the old chairs had been so uncomfortable.

Victor quickly mixed up their drinks before passing over her normal gin tonic. Taking a swig of her drink she waited for him to get comfortable in his chair with his glass of whisky before she started her updates.

"So tell me my dear, how did it go with Eric today?"

"The meeting went smoothly, the man still has no clue we are moving in the shadows around him. I was worried that he might have questioned why only Caroline's file was available for the business studies position, but clearly he hasn't learned his lesson".

"Yes, Eric's lack of situational awareness and memory allows him to be easily manipulated. It was the main reason why I had him appointed the headmaster of the school when Rufus fled, abandoning the position".

"Well we won't have need him much longer. I spoke with Thomas and Delia last week and they agreed to speed up Caroline's background check. If all goes smoothly this year we will be able to force him out in the spring. Liliah and her team have already begun to gather the blackmail we will need if he decides to go public".

"As always Vera you are five steps ahead of everyone else" praised Victor. "How is Graham doing with the repairs on the summer house?"

"Graham says his team should be finishing their final projects at the close of next week. At that time we should be able to move our meetings from the cellar to the new ceremony space".

"Wonderful that should throw those meddling kids off our scent. The less they know the better".

Vera wholeheartedly agreed, "Deputy Mayor Sparrow sent over the first batch of files for us to review". Passing over the documents Cole had assembled for them, the pair turned their attention to the folders. Important decisions would have to be made quickly since the reformed Society's first sacrifice would take place in two week's time.


Evie's Notes 2: Thank you all so much for reading 💕! I hope you enjoyed this update, let me know your favorite part of in the comments! I hope to see you all next week 💗!

I love hearing from y'all! Let me know what you think of the chapter and the story as a whole in the comments or my Tumblr House-of-Secrets! Have a great week and stay safe! - Xo Evie🌺

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