Chapter 24: truth doesn't make a noise

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Chapter 24: truth doesn't make a noise

It seemed it had been a lifetime ago since their game on Friday where they lost rather than just a weekend as Monday came back around again as Alex tried to get her head around ho much had happened during the course of a few days between Lucas leaving and coming back barely two days later and Dan having his heart, not to mention the fact that her brother had married her best friend. Even now, she still felt confused and dazed by how much had happened in such a short time as she currently stood outside of the now familiar hospital room since she refused to go in and actually visit the patient inside. Alexandra Scott wasn't sure why her body had led her here so early in the morning before school as she tried to convince her that she didn't really care about Dan laying inside the hospital room and was more there due to some kind of bizarre curiosity. She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't notice as someone stopped for a moment to take a double take of her before approaching her

 She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't notice as someone stopped for a moment to take a double take of her before approaching her

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^Alex's 1st outfit^

" you're the last person I expected to see standing outside of Dan Scott's room" Eric said somewhat surprised by seeing his brother's girlfriend standing in the middle of the hallway of his work so early

" I didn't except to be here either but one minute I'm out running and the next I'm here" Alex said almost in a daze as she looked through the window to see into Dan's room where the man was sleeping

" that's hell of a run... how are you doing?" Eric said knowing from AJ that Alex had a complicated relationship with her biological father as he wondered if that was why her and AJ bonded so much

" I don't know. I mean technically that guy in there means nothing to me and I shouldn't care but..." Alex said trailing off the end as she tried to put the pieces of her scrambled mind back together

" nothing is ever that simple. I know all too well" Eric said thinking about his own complicated relationship with his father as he knew that as much as he wanted to break all ties with his father that he just couldn't

" yeah, I guess you do... is he going to be okay? I mean I heard that he woke up" Alex said knowing that she had heard bits and pieces from Nathan and her Deb via her mom as she kept her glance on Dan

" I mean there's still tests to be done to determine why he had the heart attack but the fact that he's awake is a good sign for recovery" Eric said knowing she was still the patient's family and needed comfort

" that's good, that's good... hey can you do me a favour and not mention to anyone that I was here especially to Dan? I can't even explain why I'm here to myself, never mind other people" Alex said still feeling frazzled by it all

" of course... Alex, you know you can come talk to me, right? I mean I know you have your mom and Lucas and even AJ but I'm here for you too... sister in law" Eric said in an attempt to make her laugh

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