Chapter 34: between order and randomness

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Chapter 34: between  order and randomness

After Alex's hypoglycaemic episode in AJ's apartment, AJ came back into the room with the food that Eric had prepared with her diabetes in mind to find Alex already in his bed with the blankets wrapped around her and his laptop sitting in from of him as he smiled at the sight while silently wishing that they could keep having moment like this. Midway through the movie, Alex had reached maximum comfort by snuggling into AJ's side before he moved the laptop away and wrapped his arms around her causing them before to fall into an easy sleep for the night which was how Eric found them when he came round check on them an hour later as he decided to call Karen to let her know that Alex was probably staying the night. Alex realised that she should have known that her hypoglycaemic episode would just be the start of it as she found herself in front of her doctor much more often than she would have liked as he decided to put her on insulin to try and control her diabetes. A few days later Alex found herself still adjusting to the change in her life as she woke up to the sound of someone banging around the house as she decided to get out of bed and grabbed a hoodie to throw over her pink pyjamas before heading downstairs to investigate.

^Alex's 1st outfit^

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^Alex's 1st outfit^

" Mom, what's going on?" Lucas said as he woke in his bed to find his bedroom completely empty all of his belongings that had been surrounding him when he went to bed as he noticed his mom walking around his bedroom with a woven basket filled with his things

"  You wanna live in my house against my rules? You're sure as hell not gonna be comfortable doing it" Karen said as she continued to fill her basket up with the smaller items in the room like his bedside clock and his CDs as he realised that she was ramping up her tactics

" The heart test? Look, I'm sorry mom, but this is my life" Lucas said sitting up in bed as he sighed a little as he realised what this whole thing was about as he knew that he should have expected something like that from his mom especially since he was still refusing the test

" You know, if I'd been that selfish at your age, you and your sister might not be here right now!" Karen said standing by his door as she tried to show him that his life decision affected more than just him as she reminded him of the choices she had to make as a teenager

" wow, hit him where it really hurts" Alex said alerting them both to her presence as her mom turned to face as she showed her daughter that she was in no mood right now as Alex remembered the lecture she had gotten about maintaining her diabetes the day after her episode

" don't think you're getting away scott free either, missy. Go and take your insulin injections then go eat. Sometimes I think you two have way too much freedom" Karen said rubbing her forehead as she should have realised any children of hers were going to be a massive headache

" on it, mom. I promise one hypoglycaemic episode was enough for me" Alex said holding her hands in surrender as she still remembered how awful she had felt before and after the episode which was enough to motive her to do everything she could to avoid another one

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2023 ⏰

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