Chapter 9: The Finals!Andre vs. Travis!

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Announcer: "Ladies and gentlemen! The final match will now begin. Travis and Andre, please make your way to the ring for the final battle!"

Travis immediately teleported into the ring as Andre began walking towards the ring. The audience begins to cheer as they can't hold back their excitement for the final fight. Once Andre got in the ring, the referee asked for the bell and the final fight of the youth tournament began. Andre stood in his Dambe and Engolo fighting stance, as Travis stood in his Jeet Kune Do stance. The two warriors begin clashing with their different styles as Andre was more aggressive in this fight as he tries to land two major hits on Travis but missed each one as Travis created space between the two. Travis landed a double palm strike on Andre and followed up with a swift knee strike that forced Andre to the ground. Travis tries to give another kick to Andre; however, Andre was able to catch his foot and push Travis backward. Andre and Travis begin trading attacks at one another as they counter each attack before both land a punch to the other's face. The two warriors jump backward as the audience begins cheering for the warriors. The two warriors begin to circle each other before getting tied up against each other, with both warriors trying to gain leverage over the other. Travis headbutts Andre before kneeing him in the stomach, but before he can try to do another attack, Andre punches him in the stomach and delivers a swift kick that sends Travis flying back a couple of feet. Travis would rush back towards Andre, who used his speed to get behind Travis to grab him by the waist and lift him above his head to deliver a German suplex. The move kept Travis grounded for a long five-second count before getting back on his feet. Travis Rai begins to raise with Andre doing the same as the announcer saying, "I guess they are done warming up. The real fight is about to begin!" Travis begins to unleash a barrage of Energy Blasts at Andre, who was able to dodge each one of them before going behind Travis again for another suplex. Travis elbow Andre in the face, then proceeds to deliver a suplex of his own that kept Andre grounded for five seconds before getting back on his feet. Travis rushes in to deliver multiple punches to Andre's body that completely stun Andre, then finishes it off with a Flame Energy Blast. The blast knocks Andre out of the ring as the referee begins counting to ten while Travis stares. By the count of eight, Andre was able to stand up to break the count and quickly teleported back into the ring. Travis rushed to deliver more hits, but Andre caught both of Travis's hands and gave him a headbutt that pushed Travis back. Andre used a Lightning Punch that stun Travis, then used a Lightning Kick that knocked Travis out of the ring. Andre would jump towards Travis to grab him by his leg; however, Travis was playing possum and threw some sand into Andre's eyes. Travis would kick Andre into the air before teleporting in the air with him, then gave Andre a massive double ax handle, which crashed into the ground. Travis unleashes a Fire Blast at Andre, who was able to get out of the way, while Travis begins shooting Fireballs at Andre. Andre would use a shield to block the attack as Travis continued the attack, trying to break through the shield. Andre would teleport with the shield and throw it at Travis, who dodges the attack, except Andre was in front of Travis with a Lightning Blast ready to unleash. Travis tries to block the attack, yet, the blast was too much which sent him flying across the ring and right into a wall. The referee began his counting, but Travis was back on his feet by the count of seven. Andre was ready to end the fight as he began to charge up his Rai in one hand while Travis continued to walk towards the ring. Once Travis was back in the ring, Andre unleashed his Full Power Lightning Burst Stream (mountain level of destruction) that took Travis out of the ring and crashed through the building that the competitors were standing at. The building begins to collapse down, which forces multiple paramedics to rush over and move the building pieces to check on him. The referee never started the count, as he wanted to make sure that Travis was still breathing after the last attack. Andre begins to worry, so he decides to get out of the ring and walk over to the damage he caused. One of the paramedics was sent flying from the collapse area, then another one was sent flying. Andre stops in his tracks as he feels Travis Rai rising to new heights than ever before. Travis had one of the paramedics by the throat as he revealed to everyone that he had the chaos eyes. Andre was shocked to see those eyes as Travis crushed the paramedic's throat and began walking towards Andre. Andre teleported back into the ring and locked in his chaos eyes as Travis got back into the ring.

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