Chapter 5 Chaos vs. Ice/ The Two Cousins Collide!

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Michelle and Roadkill levitated into the air to do battle as Marcus and John looked up at them from the ground. Michelle begins throwing Wind Punches at Roadkill, who dodges each of them, then proceeds to launch a Tornado Flame Blast at Michelle, who dodges it, but the attack glances towards her, making her use a shield to block it. The shield could absorb the attack, and then she could redirect the attack toward Marcus and John. Marcus and John stood there frozen as the attack approached them. Roadkill teleported to the ground and blocked the attack using a giant Metal Shield. Once the attack was finished, Roadkill teleported back into the air as John and Marcus tried to catch their breath after seeing that happen so fast.

John: "......... I thought for sure we were going to die. I'm glad Roadkill was here to save us."

Marcus: "Right...... I can see why jumping in their fight would make us a target. They truly outclass us in strength and speed. Just how powerful are these two?!"

The boys once again watched the fight between the two cousins as they were getting ready to clash again. On the other side of the battlefield, Andre rushed towards Samantha, who quickly used a shield to block him from attacking; however, Ricky teleported behind her to deliver a Lightning Punch to her. Samantha barely dodges it before kicking Andre and giving Ricky an uppercut, who counters with a kick of his own but is blocked by an Ice Statue that Samantha made. Andre saw an opening after the statue was made, and he used an Earthquake attack on Samantha, but the attack was stopped as Samantha had frozen the ground to cancel the attack. Samantha began using the surrounding ice to attack the two warriors, as she only had three minutes left before her form ran out. The two warriors dodged each attack until Samantha used one of the trees to make spikes against them. Samantha begins to throw the spikes at the warriors; however, Ricky uses a giant Firewall to block the attack. Andre could dodge each of the spikes thanks to the chaos eyes. Samantha's time began to run out because her eyes were flinching back and forth between normal and ice. Samantha starts to charge up her Rai to deliver a powerful attack; however, as time passes, she won't be able to control the attack. With less than twenty seconds left, Samantha unleashed an Ice Shockwave that could cover about twenty-five arcs of the land, but she could not control it enough to limit it to their area. The attack would freeze everyone in the range, including the user, if they can't control it at one hundred percent. Once the attack was over, Samantha was frozen to death as her time ran out, and she couldn't protect herself from it. Andre grabbed Ricky and teleported them into an entirely different place that looked like fire was set across an entire land. Ricky looks around and wonders where exactly they are since they aren't in the ice area anymore but aren't in the Unlimited Nation either.

Ricky: "Andre, where are we?"

Andre: "I'm not sure, but whenever I mentally train, this place always pops up in my mind, and I don't know why."

Ricky begins to analyze everything and feels the pressure that he has only felt once in his life. Andre also starts feeling the same pressure, which makes him fall to his knees.

Andre: "...... I'm.......feeling?"

Ricky: "Only one person I know that has pressure like this. His name is Kendrick, and he is someone that we do not need to meet."

Andre: "......"

Ricky: "I'll tell you later, but now, we need to leave because you can barely breathe in this pressure, let alone walk in it. Let's go."

Ricky grabbed Andre and teleported back to the forest, but they were next to John and Marcus. They noticed that Samantha was a frozen statue and knew she was dead as they didn't feel her Rai anymore.

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