Chapter 19 The Nations vs. The Demon Queens!

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 The two days passed by quickly as each nation was preparing to go into battle against the demon queens. Ricky was preparing the Unlimited nation warriors, but he didn't want Andre's age group to be involved with the battle. After discussing with the nation leaders, they all agree to use the group as they know how valuable they would be. Andre and Anthony's birthday was yesterday and are now ready for battle. As Ricky got to the Unlimited nation gate, he would look at all the warriors standing at the gate which included Andre, Anthony, Luna, Jaclyn, Marcus, John, Theodore, Eddie, Kate, Ron, and Daniel along with his bodyguards Tony and Adam. With the rest of the army from the Unlimited nation, everyone was set to go.

Ricky: "Alright, everyone, this will be a long and difficult battle. I'm not certain if we all will make it, but we can put a stop to these demons once and for all. Let's move out!"

As the nations begin assembling their armies and heading out, Scarlet and Veronica were having one last meeting.

Veronica: "Are your warriors ready for this?"

Scarlet: "Of course they are. After thirteen years, we must fight yet another long battle. At least this time around, we don't have to deal with that dimensional warrior."

Veronica: "True, however, she did have twins, remember. They are most likely going to be a part of this battle, so no slip-ups."

Scarlet: "No matter, my lovely is already out looking for the next spider that I need, then I'll be down to eight."

Veronica: "Same here. It's time to get the armies ready. Remember, if you get overruns there, come here, and we'll finish them off."

Scarlet: "I know. I must be off."

Scarlet would return to her city and begin preparing her army for the nations as Ricky's army would meet with the leader of the Ladies of Light nation, Helga, who was ready to begin the attack.

Helga: "Are you ready to begin?"

Ricky: "Not yet, where is Isaac?"

Helga: "He should be here soon."

Ricky: "Once he gets here, we will begin our assault as soon as he arrives."

Isaac: "We're here finally. Who are we going after?"

Helga: "Finally. We have the spider demon, Scarlet, to deal with."

Ricky: "Keep at least four warriors to hold back. No need to send every single person to go into the city. Let's move out, people."

The nation's army begins closing in on Scarlet's city as she feels the army getting closer. The other nation leaders Levi, Josiah, and Carl begin closing in on Veronica's city as she begins making her plans. Once the two armies were in range, the demons began rushing out of the city towards the armies, which started the battles. All warriors begin fighting with the demons except a few warriors here and there.

Scarlet: "It's time for you to go have some fun, Logan."

Logan: "Finally!"

Logan begins making his way to the battlefield as Anthony and Luna quickly notice him.

Anthony: "That's the man who ambushes us! Looks like he's joining the fight!"

Theodore: "I'll handle him."

Anthony: "I'm going too."

Luna: "I'll back you two up."

Ricky: "Alright, you three go take him out. It will be one less demon to worry about."

All three warriors begin making their way towards Logan, who notices them coming his way. Logan began rushing towards the three warriors as Eddie came through with a sliding kick that knocked Logan down. When Logan got back to his feet, Theodore used a shoulder tackle as both Luna and Anthony delivered a flying kick to Logan that sent him backward. Logan begins to focus on whom he had to fight.

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