Whipped Trio

536 23 41

(Barracuda By Heart)

Third Person

"Are you sure that this is a good idea?" Daytona asked the two other girls as they snuck out of the house.

"Definitely not, but will it be fun-" Harley spoke with a smile on her face.

"Hell yes!" Skylar cheered running down the street.

The two other girls ran after her, laughing their heads off. Everyone was currently in Florida for a Dream Smp meet up. This was perfect for the three girls because they have planned a lot together. The fandom calls them the Whipped Trio.

Skylar took out her phone and took a picture of them all together before putting her phone back into her book bag. They all tightened their shoe laces before looking at each other.

"Who wants to go first?" Harley asked as they all stared at the fence in front of them.

"I gladly will." Skylar smiled, and lifted herself up onto the fence.

"You seem like you've done this too many times." Daytona looked up at the girl as she crossed the top and dropped down onto the ground on the other side.

"Some rules are meant to be broken." She shrugged and Daytona then lifted herself onto the fence.

"Yeah, leave me as the last person." Harley rolled her eyes.

"You have the most experience with running and climbing things."

"Paparazzi is crazy, not my fault." She muttered, causing the two other girls to laugh.

"You coming up hottie?" Daytona looked down at Harley and she bit her lip.

"Of course I am." She winked at Daytona before starting to climb up the fence.

Daytona dropped to the other side and Harley followed quickly behind her.

"I'm breaking laws again! Someone tell Quackity to have my bail ready. He's my lawyer." Skylar said and the others laughed.

"What to do first?" Daytona set down her bag and took off her shoes.

"We just broke into a water park and you ask what to do first?" Harley shouted, taking off her shorts and shoes, leaving her in her bikini.

She ran and jumped into one of the pools. Skylar then quickly followed in suit and jumped in right after her. Daytona laughed at the two and stood on the edge.

"Is it cold?" Daytona asked with a smile on her face.

"If you don't get your fine ass in here right now i will get out and throw you over my shoulder." Harley said and Skylar wrapped her legs around her, making it so Harley was holding them both up.

"I'm too short for this!" Skylar yelled as Harley started to drown her.

"Tona! Get your ass in here and help me!" Skylar shouted and Daytona jumped right in.

"If we get caught, Will is going to kill me." Daytona spoke after coming back up to the surface.

"Nick will fucking laugh at me, and ask me how i got caught."

"Ranboo will just wonder why I didn't tell him. He knows he can't stop me."

The three girls talked for a little bit longer before getting out to explore more. Safe to say that they were all running on adrenaline.

"Do you think they will care if I take a red bull?" Harley asked, staring at the drinks in the fridge.

"How would they even know if you took one?" Skylar smiled at her evilly.

"Leave money." Daytona said and they nodded sadly.

"Yes mom." Skylar and Harley said at the same time.

"Wait! I'll get a monster. Shotgun comp?" Skylar grabbed a monster and took her keys off of her shorts belt loop.

"You're going down. I'm the best at this. I hold the record." Harley boasted and Daytona filmed them.

"Ready? Three! Two! One!" Daytona counted down before the two girls stabbed a hole in the side of the can, opened it, and started chugging.

"Booya bitch!" Skylar cheered, throwing the can into the trash can aggressively.

"How the fuck!" Harley stared at her with confusion.

"Skylar is the winner ding ding ding!" Daytona spun around with the camera and they all laughed.

"We need to take you to do that with a beer. Don't tell your dad, he'll get Nick on my ass." Harley said with a smile.

"Shit! Run." Skylar screamed as the police lights got closer.

"They can have their sirens off?! What American shit is this?!" Daytona exclaimed, following Skylar.

Harley slowly walked behind them, not having a care in the world.

"Harley, if we get caught, imagine how Nick is going to react." Daytona said to her, and she then snapped out of whatever trance she was in and started booking it.

All three of them lifted themselves onto a different part of the fence than before and jumped over. Once they were over they all booked it down the street. Skylar had to try to keep her laughs under control and Harley was too busy saying 'Nicks gonna kill me,' over and over. Daytona was quietly laughing at her friends' take in this situation.

When they got back to the house Skylar led them back into the house through the garage.

"Nobodys ever in here without me being in here." She opened the garage door and they all walked in.

"Holy shit." All three of them jumped as they saw Techno and Belle sitting there.

"Where-" Belle started and Techno put his hand over her mouth.

"You are in deep trouble." He gave a pointed look at Skylar and she rolled her eyes.

"Listen here, pig, you tell anyone, I will stomp on you." Skylar threatened and Techno laughed.

"I'm not telling anyone, I live for the chaos. Did you have fun at least?" Techno took his hand from Belle's mouth after she bit him.

"Lots." The three girls evilly looked at each other.

968 Words

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