R + S

70 0 2

(Guys My Age By Hey Violet)

Schlatt's Pov

"Move in with me." Roxanne grumbled from beside me.

I rolled my eyes, before looking up to Corpse for help. He was staring at Julie, not a thought behind his eyes. It's almost like he knew. Julie was making food in Corpse's apartment, where we were all hanging out.

"No." I responded, rolling my eyes.

Corpse looked over at me, narrowing his eyes, but quickly looked away.


I'm not against the idea of moving in with Roxanne. I'm actually the quite opposite. All of my stuff at home is being shipped here, and Ted is bringing Jambo over. I've had him hidden at Ted's house. I'm just waiting to surprise her for Halloween since it is her favorite holiday after all.

"Your stupid." She stood up from next to me and walked into the kitchen where Julie was. I stared at her as she did, and Corpse turned his head to look at me.

"I swear she's so dumb. Your literally moving in with her. You've been here for a week, you haven't told her when your flight is to leave. She can be so dumb sometimes." Corpse rubbed the back of his neck, before I looked back to Roxanne.

She was talking on the phone, her back facing us. Julie was staring at her with a confused expression. Once Roxanne hung the phone up, she turned to face Julie, grabbed her arm, and disappeared into Corpse's bedroom.

"Get out of my room!"

"Shut up!" Roxanne screamed back.

"Looks like I made someone mad." I rolled my eyes, rubbing my temples.

"Why is she such a hand full?" Corpse joked, looking at me as I shook my head.

"Because she likes to piss me off."

When the door reopened, Roxanne was wearing a black sparkly dress, with black heels. She had deep red lipstick, her hair was down in her curl state, and a black jacket on top.

I raised my eyebrow as I watched her grab her phone, keys, and my wallet. She opened it, grabbing her cards out of it, and some cash from my wallet.

"Where do you think your going?" I said, slowly standing up from my seat on the couch.

"I'm going out."

Julie walked out behind her, and had on a small purple dress, one of Corpse's leather jackets, and a pair of black boots to match. Roxanne walked out of the apartment before I could say anything.

"I'm only going to make sure she doesn't do anything stupid. Trust me, I would much rather stay home." Julie huffed, quickly following her out of the apartment.

"I still can't believe she speaks." Corpse spoke before laughing at his own words.



"Schlatt!" Corpse yelled, walking into the kitchen after being in his room for a little.

His social battery was dead, and he wanted some space. I could respect that, and after all, this is his house. I don't mind. It gives me some time to think about what I'm going to do. Halloween isn't for another three days, and right now it seems like I'm in the dog house.

"What?" I responded, scrolling through my phone.

"Roxanne's drunk, and she drove the motorcycle over. Julie doesn't know how to drive it yet, I haven't taught her. So we have to go get them."

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