B + T

430 20 44

(Lover By Taylor Swift)

Third Person

"Are you okay?" Belle asked Techno as they laid in the bed of his truck watching the sunset.

"Yeah why wouldn't I be?" Techno responded with a smile on his face as he looked down at the girl.

"You seem off." She sat up and Techno laughed at her.

"I'm just happy." He rolled his eyes and sat up with her.

She was sitting with her legs crossed and had a smile on her face. The sun made her eyes shine bright, and Techno felt himself getting lost in them constantly. It didn't matter where they were or what they were doing, he would always find himself getting lost in them.

"You're staring at me." Belle rolled her eyes causing Techno to laugh.

"I'll always stare at you."

"You're going soft, Dear." Belle laughed and Techno rolled his eyes now.

"You're quite lucky that I love you." Techno said with a smile before Belle looked out at the sunset.

"You're lucky I let you." She sassed and Techno laughed.

Lover By Taylor Swift was playing through the speakers of Techno's truck, and Techno was beyond nervous. He didn't know how to go about what he was about to do, but he didn't want to do it the normal way. So he didn't, he went in a way that nobody probably would expect.

"Did I leave my book in the car?" Belle looked around her and groaned.

"I'll get it-"

"No, I am an independent woman!" Belle cheered, getting out of the back and going to the front of the car.

She grabbed her book and walked around to Techno who was sitting there leaned back against the car trying to contain his nerves.

"Why are you acting so weird?" Belle laughed as she sat in front of him.

She opened the book and a bunch of pictures fell out.

"What the hell is this?" She looked at the male and he just smiled.

On the first page it said "Will."

The second said "You"

The third said "Marry"

The fourth said "Me."

"You're a dick!" Belle shouted before tackling him in a hug.

"I don't even get a nice answer, ah yes." Techno chuckled as he held onto the girl tightly like this was a dream.

"Of course it's a yes, who do you take me to be?"

Techno brought up his hand and wiped the tears from her face and she laid her head on his chest.

"You are my favorite person." Belle said, holding onto him tightly.

"And you are mine."

429 Words

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