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My Dear Journal,

You have also come to an end as my stay here in New York. This city has given me a lot of friends, good memories and some very remarkable acquaintances. But, I guess it's time to move on. Tomorrow, it will be a new day, a new city, a new house, and a new job. It made me excited and nervous at the same time. You know, I am not very fond of changes. However, I am continuously reminding myself that change is the only constant. So, I am ready and will brace with open arms whatever may come.

My friend, you have been my companion in all my worries, in all my ups and downs, and in all my moments of happiness, since the time I have come to the US. You are very well aware of how much I used to despise this country when I first arrived here. But now this is my safe haven and the only place that I can call home. Even though I have been through hell in the beginning, now it's the only place that rejuvenates me. However, the best of the best gifts I have received since I came here is my Mishu. She has been a blessing in disguise and the sole purpose of my existence.

Oh, my friend! Let me tell you about my new landlord with whom I was able to strike a friendship almost instantly. Who says you can't be friends with people other than your age. Bring me those and I'll show them my friendship with Pushpa Ji. Do you know, she used to be a clinical psychologist but now she is retired and offers her services in a community center free of cost. Isn't that impressive? She has told me about her daughter on multiple occasions but I never got the chance to meet her. I am hoping she will be as good as Pushpa Ji. Now, you will ask, Why am I being a pessimist? Because, my friend! She is a hotshot lawyer. And, you know when someone is successful at a young age, they think everyone is below them. However, I am hoping all my assumptions about her are wrong and we are able to get along just fine.

Oh, my friend! I couldn't hold myself to share this with you since the time I have read this, it has just lingered in my mind. "Love is heavy and light, bright and dark, hot and cold, sick and healthy, asleep and awake- it's everything except what it is!" ― William Shakespeare.

You are well aware of my lack of experience in love, my friend. However, there is this innate desire in me to be loved and in love. Once in my life, I want to feel all the flavors of love that can excite my soul and reverberate my existence in this universe. And, you know, me being a rationalist, is continuously suppressing this desire because my other half feels love is a sham and it just looks good in books. Please, help me with this conundrum because I am way past helping myself.

I can never stop talking to you, my friend. But, now, it's time to say goodbye. Because I can see Mishu fidgeting in her sleep and if I don't go to bed in the next one minute, she will create ruckus which I can't afford as it's going to be a very hectic day tomorrow.

Don't forget! You are the keeper of my secrets and the most trustworthy companion, we will meet again tomorrow at the same time but in new surroundings and with some interesting stories.

Cheers! To the new beginnings.



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