CH:16- Rebuttal, Possessiveness, & Inclination

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Haseena puts Misha to sleep in Karishma's room upon Pushpa Ji's request around 7:30 PM and then she moves upstairs to get ready while glancing at Karishma who was sitting in the living room, dressed in an emerald green jumpsuit with golden earrings and was wearing red lipstick. She didn't have many accessories on except her apple watch and cat-eyed framed glasses. "She is looking elegant," She mumbled.

Karishma was waiting for Haseena in the car. "Why is she always late?" She murmured while looking at her watch which was showing 8:20 PM. She got distracted when she heard the knock on the glass shield and for some time she couldn't take her eyes off the new arrival. Haseena was wearing black sequin pants with a black turtleneck sweater and she had accessorized herself with silver jewelry. She had styled her hair in a ponytail and her stained lips were arousing her look. She gasped after looking at her and came out of her trance when Haseena knocked another time on the glass shield. She unlocked the door to let Haseena in.

"Were you spacing out on me?" Haseena asked as soon as she settled in, on her seat, and tied her seatbelt.

"No, I was thinking of something else," Karishma said while igniting the engine.

Haseena took out the gloves as she was extremely cold. "Can you please turn on the heat?" She requested.

"It's already on," Karishma said while making a turn. "You are looking mesmerizing, Haseena."

"Thank You!" She murmured and after clearing her throat she spoke, "You, yourself are looking quite exquisite."

Karishma looked at her surprisingly. "Are you praising me because I have praised you?" She said while peeking at her as she continued to concentrate on the road.

"No, I am not," Haseena said as she turned her head towards Karishma. "You are exquisite in many ways, Miss Singh."

"Please, elaborate!" Karishma said as she maintained her focus on the road.

"You are good with kids," Haseena said as she tried to overturn the conversation in her favor.

"No, I am not," Karishma denied her claim.

"You are good with Mishu," Haseena presented her argument.

"Because she is your daughter," Karishma countered her.

Haseena was quiet for a few moments. "You wouldn't have liked her if she wasn't my daughter?" She asked surprisingly.

"If she wasn't your daughter, I would have never met her in the first place," She said, "Second, I never used to like kids because they are snobbish and I don't have the patience to deal with them."

"Hmm..," Haseena muttered, "But you are patient with Mishu."

"It's different with her," Karishma answered.

"Why?" Haseena inquired.

"First, She is your daughter. Second, She is a very well-behaved kid. Third, I am starting to love her and in every interaction with her, my fondness is growing. Nonetheless, she is in the top priority of the list of the people that I care," Karishma said while turning her head this time.

"And who are the people on your priority list?" Haseena asked.

"Maa! You. and Misha," Karishma replied without any hesitation.

Haseena was quiet and she didn't say anything to her in return.

"And when we are talking about Misha, I have to make a request on her behalf," She spoke calmly.

"I'm listening," Haseena said as she continued to stare at the road.

"She wanted to get a haircut like me and I know you don't like the way my hair is styled. But she really wants to get a haircut like mine and if you allow her then she will let me call her Mishu. Would you please allow her," Karishma put forward her request and looked at her pleadingly.

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