CH:27- Certainty, Faithfulness, & Attachment

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Haseena was lying down on the couch with Misha on top of her and Karishma was sitting while holding Haseena's feet in her lap as all three of them were watching 'Encanto' on the 'Disney plus'.

"What are you doing Miss Singh?" Haseena uttered as she fiddled with her feet which were under Karishma's hold.

"What do you mean what I'm doing?" She looked at Haseena, "I'm messaging your feet. You have been standing there," she pointed towards the kitchen, "and making food the whole day for your entire week."

Haseena looked at Misha, who was fluttering her eyelashes in order to keep them open as she wanted to finish the movie. She sat up straight while turning Misha towards the TV as she leaned towards Karishma, "then let me massage your hands, you helped me a lot with chopping and then scrubbing dishes."

"You don't need to message my hands, I need something else," She pointed towards her lips.

Haseena looked at Misha, who was trying to focus on the TV, and then at Karishma who was gazing at her. She placed her arm around Karishma's neck and pulled her in a kiss briefly, and moved away before Misha lost her concentration. "I arranged this Pajama party for you to bond with Mishu and not me," She said resting her head on Karishma's shoulder.

"I have bonded with Mishu quite strongly, Miss Mallik," She replied as she took Misha from Haseena's lap and made Misha sit on her lap. Misha looked at her momentarily, then she rested her head on Karishma's chest, feet on Haseena's lap, and while holding Haseena's hand, she started watching, moving once again. "You see what I was saying," She pointed towards Misha.

"Yeah! Yeah! I see that" She said as she rolled her eyes and then rested her head on Karishma's shoulder. "I'm too tired," She mumbled and closed her eyes.

Karishma and Misha were watching the movie but both of them were tired too, so they fell asleep without finishing the movie. Pushpa Ji came upstairs to call Karishma but what she saw filled her heart with contentment. Misha was sleeping in Karishma's lap, Haseena's head was resting over Karishma's shoulder, and Karishma had placed her head over Haseena's head. She smiled broadly after looking at them like that. She always wanted to see Karishma happy and seeing her with Misha and Haseena like that, she was satisfied. She moved towards Karishma to wake her up and due to Karishma's movements Haseena also woke up, and after finding Pushpa Ji in front of her, Haseena avoided looking into her eyes. However, Karishma got up from the couch and moved towards Misha's nursery to put her to sleep.

"You are keeping my daughter quite busy lately," Pushpa Ji said after looking at Haseena whose face was starting to color up.

Before Haseena could respond, Karishma spoke, "Or you can say, your daughter doesn't want to leave her," She stood beside Haseena and placed her hand around Haseena's shoulder.

Haseena didn't dare to look into Pushpa Ji's eyes, however, she jerked off Karishma's hand from her shoulder to avoid further embarrassment.

"Look at your face Haseena, it has turned so red," Pushpa Ji said as she moved towards Haseena, "Remember one thing!" She placed her hand under Haseena's chin, "Before anything, I'm your friend." She cupped Haseena's face and placed a kiss on her forehead, "I'm happy for you."

"How about me?" Karishma pouted as she was standing beside them and watching them intently.

"Of course, for you too," Pushpa Ji said as she pulled both of them in a hug.

"I love you, Pushpee," Haseena whispered.

"Love you a lot," Pushpa responded as she continued to hold them in her embrace.


It's been more than two weeks, everything was going smooth between Haseena and Karishma except their usual banter. Their bond was growing stronger day by day as their understanding of each other.

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