CH:11- It's Either YOU or No One!

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It's Friday night and she hasn't seen Haseena for the past three days. She didn't come down during her presence, however, Pushpa Ji was back in the house as Mr. Singh was out of town due to some business. After changing and having her dinner, she moved towards her study. She sat on the recliner and closed her eyes. A smile appeared on her face, as she reminisces the day of the party, once they were done taking a picture, Haseena was after her for so long, but she kept on dogging her, one way or another. She liked being chased by her but not in this manner. The sound of the thunder distracted her, she opened her eyes and saw the reflection on the glass door as the lightning flashed.

"Who is out there in this weather?" She asked herself while sliding the door and stepping outside. She stood near the swing to get a clear view. "What is she doing here?" She mumbled.

On the other hand, Haseena's back was facing her and she was unaware of Karishma's presence on the patio.

"What are you doing here?" Karishma asked out loud.

Haseena, who was collecting raindrops on her palms, clenched them and turned to look at Karishma. "I'm leaving Miss Singh," She said as she started moving towards the other door.

Karishma who was avoiding trying to get wet and was standing under the shade almost ran towards her, "What is it with you?" She asked while making her stop midway.

"Nothing! I want to avoid the fight with you, that's it," She said while trying to get rid of her hold on her upper arm.

"So, I fight with you?" She asked while making her look at her as she placed her other hand on her upper arm and made her grip tighter on Haseena.

"Look, Miss Singh! I am already worn out. Can we please do this some other day? I have a lot to review for my exams," She said as she removed Karishma's hand and started walking towards the door again.

"I am sorry for my behavior the other day," Karishma said as she walked towards her and stood in front of her. "There was a lot going in my mind."

"Hmm...That's it!" She asked as she looked towards Karishma.

"You are not going to say anything else?" Karishma asked surprisingly.

"What else you want me to say?" Haseena asked as she folded her hand on her chest.

Karishma looked at her face as the lightning struck again. She noticed the water drops trickling down from her face to her lips which were quivering due to the cold. "Get under the shade, Miss Mallik! I don't know how long you have been standing here?" She said concerningly.

"I am going upstairs, anyhow. There is no need for me to go under the shade Miss Singh," She said while moving towards the door.

"I need to talk to you!" Karishma said while blocking her.

"We can talk tomorrow if it's not urgent," Haseena said as she made an effort to remove Karishma from her way.

"It's urgent!" She said while looking at her.

"Please, go ahead!" Haseena said as both of them continued to stand under the downpour which was making them shiver and drenched at the same time.

Karishma looked at her momentarily and then she intertwined her hand with Haseena's and moved towards the shade. As soon as they reached there, she let go of her hand with a jerk and as a result, Haseena ended up colliding with a glass door. "Why are you so stubborn?" She said while controlling her anger.

"I am not," Haseena said as she leaned on the door to maintain her balance.

"You very much are!" Karishma said as she took a step towards her. "Do you know Miss Mallik, you are the kind of person that I hate very much. You have all those qualities that I was unable to withstand. You have tested my patience numerous times except all these...." She moved closer to her and while placing her hand on the door, she leaned onto her, "I have fallen for you."

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