CH:14- Growing into YOU

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Haseena was walking towards Misha's daycare as fast as she could. She felt the heat radiating throughout her body. It's always been like that every time she comes in contact with Karishma. "What should I do?" She murmured under her breath. After collecting Misha from her daycare she started heading home. "I should limit my contact with her," She thought of the best solution.

Once Haseena reached home, she saw Santosh and Cheetah were waiting for her in Pushpa Ji's living room and Karishma was giving them company as Pushpa Ji was at Mr. Singh's house. Haseena hugged them one by one and then she sat opposite Karishma. However, Misha moved towards Karishma and sat beside her while placing her elbow on Karishma's thigh and leaning on her. 

"Hey! So we have good news that you have been waiting for," Cheetah started the conversation.

"We are getting married!" Santosh said excitedly as she got up from the spot and sat beside Haseena.

"That's awesome!" Haseena hugged her tightly and congratulated both of them.

"Here!" Cheetah forwarded the card to Haseena.

"It's just before the new year," Haseena exclaimed after looking at the date.

"Yes, that's fun! We want to start our new year as a couple," Santosh said chirpily.

"I am happy for you both," Haseena said as she looked at them. However, Misha and Karishma both were silent spectators and they were just listening to their conversation. Santosh and Cheetah sat there for a few more minutes then they left because they have to go to the other relatives to drop off invites.

After they left, Haseena motioned her hand towards Misha who was still leaning on Karishma. "You can have dinner with us if you would like," Haseena said as she picked up Misha.

"Maa, has made food for me," Karishma said while getting up, "which I'll be bringing upstairs to share with Misha," she touched Misha's cheek as she walked out of the room.

Haseena just stared at her retreating figure and then started heading upstairs. She was setting up the table when Karishma arrived. Misha was already sitting at the table and Karishma sat beside her but opposite Haseena.

"What has your mother made?" Karishma asked Misha while peeking at Haseena from the corner of her eye.

"Dal Chawal!" Misha exclaimed. "Because I love them."

"I love them too," Karishma said as she looked at Haseena.

"Here!" Haseena made the plate for both of them and passed it over to them as she sat beside Misha.

"Yum, Mama! They are so good," She said after taking the first bite.

"Yum, Haseena! They are so good," Karishma reenacted to Misha which made Misha giggle, however, a blush crept on Haseena's face which didn't go unnoticed by Karishma.

"Finish your food Mishu, then I will read you a book," Haseena said while making an effort to distract herself from Karishma's constant gaze.

"If you don't mind, can I read a book to her?" Karishma requested.

"Are you sure? She asks a lot of questions," Haseena asked with uncertainty in her voice.

"Yes, I'll be fine," She said while getting up from the chair as she moved towards the washbasin and after washing her hands, she walked into Misha's nursery to choose the book.

Misha came in after finishing her dinner and she settled under the canopy over the mattress and requested Karishma to lay beside her. It's not even five minutes when Misha's snores started echoing in the room which distracted Karishma. She looked at Misha endearingly who was sleeping in her arms and when she was settling Misha on the pillow; Haseena entered the room, "Is she asleep?"

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