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Allo me from the future... It's me from March 29th ayo it's me from May 17th just released special chapter 5 and finished the first book

At chapter 23 done and 24 in draft

Please make this chapter fire

May 23 - entered this chapter the second time...

Luz Pov:

I finnaly escape the hug from the others who slowly stand up as well.
We look towards the Portal door... The human realm... What was it like again?.. I can't quite remember... I step forward and once my foot is met with solid ground on the other side I walk thru and see lushes green trees, a light blue sky with white clouds like soft pillows.

'So this is how it looked like' it's not like the others hadn't changed.

Amity was somewhat taller but still a little shorter then me, hunter was somewhat taller and sky... She stayed pretty much the same hight...

Tho Amity was definitely the one with the most change.

Her hair was no longer green... It wasn't any other clollor either.. Her roots were finnaly taking over and only a slight bit of green was left.

Hunter had a yellow jacket and some dark blue jeans.

I look around to see a park like area around.. I don't see anyone close by so I quickly step away so the others can walk thru too.
I see many buildings... A couple taller ones.. And then an iconic huge building with even more floors and a huge logo representing a magnet hanging downwards with text on it 'Blight Industries' it reads.

Looks like Alador got his stuff clear now.
Some other buildings look bigger too like the police station... With a new design too. And a single pair of windows on the front of it.

The park is huge too.. I'm surprised I never came here much.
Trees, benches and many others were surrounding us.
I lift my hand and try to summon my moms staff owl birt.. Yet he never comes.

I try to not be worried.. Maybe he disconnected from the staff and that's why the staff is not summoned.

Hunter sky and Amity look bit happier. And hunter... He dosent have bags under his eyes... Did he actually sleep!?

"Hunter you... You took time to sleep a bit! It's genius" he seems annoyed "Well at least I have a job unlike you.. And I live with Miss Lilith."

"Great job you got adopted!" he seems even more annoyed and the others chuckle.
I smile a bit seeing how much changed.
"Let's head home I wanna meet the others" I say and the others nod.

But before we could do anything Amity pulls me close into what feels like a kiss.

We cherish the feeling for a little while and then I pull away.
"You promised" she said.. Then reality struck her and she crouched down and punched the concrete.

"I did blighty but wait a little" I say kinda embarrassed but don't mind as much.

Me hunter and sky start walking giving Amity a small minute of breathing time but she runs past us dissappearing.

"Huh... Wierd" I say as I don't recognize any tomato nearby.. Maybe she actually left.

This chapter will be kinda short... Becuse I didn't have enough motivation lol

Time skip: 20m

We reach Lilith's house and the hunter looks at sky. "We should enter thru the back and let her talk" I turn around with a small smile on my face.
He looks around making sure no one is nearby, summons his staff and grabs onto Sky before they dissappear.

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