3. Catching Up

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:D Luz is getting a new palisman I guess

Side note I started actually working on this chapter on the 21 of August.

This chapter was delayed for many reasons and now on the 21th im delaying or by a bit becuse im doing a commission... Which I do think sounds surprising but it's nothing big.

A 3k word story split onto 3 books about someone's.

Not actual wattpad books or irl books. It's hard to explain I guess

We finnaly all take seats and I soon start to explain everything from my disappearance all the way up to how I got back not leaving anything out.

They deserve to know the truth after I bearly talked with them and then also suddenly disappeared. Well technically there was all that fight in between but that's boring!

"And thats about it" I fidget with the end of my shirt while gus and willow comprehend what I just talked about.

"wait.. Ok off topic.. Why are witches like you way to different from most witches that we describe In the human realm.. You know.. Potions, black cats, and rather then staff's and spell circles hav-" - "You don't have to finish.. I'm surprised you haven't asked before.. I guess there are.. Other worlds with other people.. With the new portal hunter found we don't know what could be connected"

"True" gus agrees and willow is still thinking of something not adding anything to the conversation.

*cough* "Also... Uhh once we got back thru the Portal uhh" my face heats up a bit and willow nudges gus.

"So Amity kissed me" I say slowly. "and now I don't know what to do... She rushed off afterwards..."

"Didn't you kiss Amity before this..?  Like.. Two years ago?" asks willow.

"OH uh... Ye.." I cant stop myself from turning red but stop.

"So... First off... The witch thing we can discuss later but first you gotta talk to her" Gus says.

"And how do I do that exactly?"

"First off you are 20... You could get her a present or something maybe go on a date" gus and continues willow "Maybe get her a Bouquet of flowers? Wait no.. She's been really obsessed with this one show we have been watching... Get her a figurine?"

"No no.. Definitely get her something nicer... Maybe a necklace? While your at it get a bottle of wine for Mr. Alador" gus says.

The story once again is set in England and not America. As far as I know (im not from England)  evryone not just in most of the world but England too is allowed to drink alcohol before 21.

Unlike Americans who are only allowed afterwards so do not look at that.

"And where whould I get these gifts?"

"Maybe on of the stores at the mall.. This conversation took nearly an hour and so I think you can handle that, I whould help but my dads wanted me to buy something from a store that's closing in a bit becuse for some reason they are renovating something so their closing before 4pm."  willow announces.

"I also whouldnt be of much help as I don't know much about romance or girls... Or boys either for that matter.. Ive not seen anyone in particular whom I like.. Not yet at least"

I stand up and stretch for second before we say our goodbyes and leave gus's house.

As we part ways I slowly start walking towards the mall. And when no one's around I use shadow step.. Which I know kinda understand the use of and 'teleport' should I say between shadows of all sizes.

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