C-S and sneak peaks

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Quick greetings. This is iwantlumityvbruh from the middle of December quickly wishing everyone who celebrates Christmas happy holidays and new year. And for those who don't. May you take this special as a type of celebration?

Whitout further due. Enjoy the special.

The whole owl crew was sitting in the living room. Or at least those who were on the team.

This included the engaged couple, the lesbians, knowledge Master, the father, the troublemakers, plant lover and miss Agent.

Aka Sky, Hunter, Luz, Amity, Gus, Alador, Edric, Emira, Willow and Lilith. Eda could have come... But that's a story for the future chapters. Take that as however you want.

In akward silence not once broken.
"So what do we do during these specials? Do the non cannon kissing and stuff?"

"That sums it up"

"how about.. opening some presents first, than play some uno. And then we give the readers what they want?"

"Luz my dear love that is not how a special works. But... It's not like this is the second Christmas the story is going to go thru so it's not like there's no valid excuse for the chapter not being special"

"What now?"-"Amity's just saying that the auther doesn't know how to write specials and considered taking down the pride month chapter as it sounded dumb both in idea and when writen as it bearly connected to the actual month, then we didn't get a Halloween special either."

"How about we all just do the kissing and stuff now and then... Do some sneak peaks?" Willow asked.

"Sure" Luz said exitedly as she pulled amity into a kiss which made amity turn so red that a new type of red was discovered.

The kiss didn't last much longer than 20 seconds before they pulled apart and went into a second one. Alador just whatching to make sure he can interrupt it if they try anything funny.

Sky and hunter were sitting akwardly there as they knew that it was no longer a good ship considering huntlow becoming cannon. But who's gonna stop them? I won't.

"So we just watch now?" Asked Emira not knowing if she could activate one of the pranks now or not.
"No 10 seconds is all they get" said Edric pulling a wire that started dropping balloons of water from the ceiling that were all places in a bucket.

Now we all know how annoying water balloons can be and Edric forgot that he isn't living in the blight manner.. well technically odalia will pay the price anyway to show off how she 'recovered'.

Willow had a feeling there was a second trap so she looked at gus who nodded. They both crumbled up a glyph that they had in their pockets shooting out a vine and and a form of mist. You may know this stunt from Luz and hunter. The problem is that they forgot how the sleeping mist was made.

Luz and amity finally pulled apart. Who knew a good kiss could stop them from realizing they were soaked.
Amity wanted to call her staff out but remembered that it was given to hunter until he can carve his own. Then she thought of Luz's... But Luz hasn't carved a palisman since Owlbert.

This reminds me.. i made it clear that Owlbert was.. destroyed. And then in the first episode of season 3 flapjack sacrificed itself to save hunter. Am i the prediction god?

Tho it was a plan to carve Luz a new one or at least get her the wood so she can decide what to carve later.. they still did not get the wood.

"Everyone's done kissing? I want to see the sneak peaks" said Alador before shooting a quick glare at Edric because of the water balloons.

Sneak peak time.

"Oh dear.. you other worldly witches are pretty weak? Your adoptive mother's ressuraction is not something people can do but she's not dead now is she? So what will it be? Give me the portal door and I'll let you and your little crew live or...-" the villainess pulls out a sword from the ground. "We settle this the old fashioned way"

-chapter ???

"So what will it be?"

"...i... I thought long and hard.. It's going to be an Arctic Fox"

-chapter ???

"We where looking around for some ingredients for one of the spells bur found some wierd looking witch. He didn't have pointy ears and another witch. She did some weird thing with her hand when casting spells. Both were wearing some... Unique clothes should i say"

-Chapter 6

Alador smirked up. "Well that's a form of a gift as well anyways. Edric, Emira get the mops from the bathroom. I'm not cleaning this."

Thank you once again for visiting for this year's special. I hope you found the 3 sneak peeks good enough to be interested in whats coming for the story next year. Hopefully with more updates and before the show finishes.

also i suck at making specials. This might be the last special i make all together! Why? Becuse it wasn't even a special just me making the most random things happen.

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