6. Long time old friend pt.2

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Long tittle i know.

Wrong font... Hmm something is missing now that's more like it.

So guys and galls, non binary and people who identify as a tactical attack helicopter..i heard this song in public and gave me lots of ideas for a different story but I felt like I'll keep up an update schedule.

So from now on hopefully every month there's gonna be 1 chapter minimum in the following order

New world old memories/the door to the unknown
Like a bird in its cage

The new student is still on hiatus becuse.. i kinda messed up the realistic aspect in that one. Meanwhile the others are built on a form of magic and fantasy anyway. As for we shouldn't have meet like this.
I'm trying to decide what to do so it will be on hiatus if not completely stopped now.

Anyways i know you want to know what happens when Luz and Gus meet the new trio a villain, Their goons and everything but! We first have to set up the story am i right?

Isn't that right amity!

"Sigh... Let's get this over with"

3rd Person Pov:

Amity says as she walks up to the apartment she has been avoiding. Why whouldnt she be avoiding it? But it's Finnaly time. It's the weekend, and Luz apperantly left the city to who knows where along with Gus so Amity can talk one on one with her Old friend.

She knocks on the door hearing a "coming!" from the inside. Then a sound of metal clanking.

Soon the door opens to reveal a sweaty but stylish Willow park.

"Uh hey willow. Sorry to... Interrupt your..." She looks over willows shoulder to see weights "-Work out" she says while willow just Snickers (SNICKERS BAR!? ok auto correct= not working...) Willow just Snickers bar at amity's desperate attempt to start a conversation.

"no i was just finishing actually. Luz isn't here by the way Soo..." amity quickly understands the sentence "No! I mean no-.. i uh didn't come for Luz, i just wanted to talk. You know like we used to. If that's not a problem of course.."

"Ehhh it's hard to feel like we were never on bad terms but life's been crazy so I'm willing to talk it out." Willow finishes stepping to the side to let amity in leading her to the living room of the apartment. Her parents didn't like the idea of her moving out but they both eventually agreed.

Amity took a seat on the couch and willow sat into her bean bag. "So! Im sure you wanted to tell me about how sorry you are and all but first i need all the details about your date" willow started.

Amity felt dumb for not thinking ahead. Of course both Gus and willow would want juicy details.

"Well it all started..... Then we finally arrived at the restaurant-

Flashback time!

The driver parks and Luz gets out of the car to show her manners by holding the door for amity and also holding a hand out.. they got out on the same side after all.. she couldn't really open it for amity again..

Amity of course obligated to not leave Luz hanging took the hand which helped her get out and the two walked into the restaurant.
Got seated, and even got their menus.

Of course Luz didn't know what half of the items on the menu were, but amity like the smart woman she is, she explained some of the foods. Drinks where.. well nothing special. It wasn't a really fully romantic date just yet so Amity knew things like wine whouldnt be a good choice so they both decided to choose for themselves. Amity ordered a coffee while Luz... Was figuring out what a milkshake was but then decided against it as she was lactose intolerant.

The Door To The Unknown (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now