11. search team

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Edit: so I forgot where I ended the last chapter and accidentally wrote the part where amity, sky and willow just reached the house and snuck past the creature.. ye no so now I have to rewrite this whole thing. This is one of the reasons for the long delays.
I'll put the cut part to the end of the chapter for those who are curious. Tho it wasn't anything special. (I forgot to add it..)

I'm sure og fans remember meme Friday right? That was quite some fun. I might return to that and make a couple memes but for now I have to catch up on a lot. 20th and I need to make 3 CHAPTERS 3!? LIKE WHOA I'm late

Willow grabs a plant glyth from her pocket activating it as it shoots towards the creature.
The creature effortlessly dodges and starts running towards Willow.
Amity casts a fireball that hits it directly knocking it back.

Sky takes this opportunity to use an ice spell freezing it in place.

"You were way to easy to beat" says amity. She uses the staffs end to hit the ice. The creature falling to pieces in the process.

(If you have a hard time imagining this just look up something placed in liquid nitrogen then broken. It's really satisfying)

"So now we need to find Hunter miss lesbian and Gus"

"Why are you calling Luz miss lesbian! She's bisexual" amity said somewhat angered.

"You might mean blight sexual or amity-sexual as she did not show interest in anyone else at all.

"Let's just go" said Sky walking off while the other two were bickering like old people.


Ok I think I lost it. Said Hunter to himself before climbing off of the tree and started exploring the terrain as he realized... He got lost.
"Should have remembered the way I was running." He said to himself out loud as 2 pairs of eyes were looking at him from the shadows.

"Another outsider?"

"That's the third one. I'm guessing we should go back to the base and report this?"

I swear I will not update this story ever. I wrote out a 2000 word chapter and I check back on it today and I'm at 240

Where did the chapter go? Wattpad didn't save it or something

Hahhhggg... Here we go again

"No let's keep an eye on this one.. He feels different"

"Different..? In what sense?"

"He doesn't have a heartbeat. He's like the guards"

"Wait he doesn't?"

"This is exactly why I told you to come train with me"

"But you do those long solo training sessions where you are gonna for weeks without taking anything with you."

"And you stick close to the only other smart person between the 3 of us during that time"

Hunter noticed that he was getting tracked.

He got used to the feeling ever since he became the right hand man of the emperor.

Unlike Crystal he hadn't been training since he was a child for the exact purpose. He actually didn't even remember his childhood... But now he knows why.

So he trained day and night. Aspecially training his senses. One witch theorized that other than wild magic there were other ways of getting better senses.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2023 ⏰

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