7. friends or foes?

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So you guys saw the new episode of toh right? S3 EP2

And uhh spoilers ahead

Philip is seeing the ghost of Caleb. I wonder who wrote belos seing his dead brother.. Dana is copying my story 🙄

Let's sue Disney ey 😂

Luz and Gus Pov:

As we reach the bottom of the hill and we slowly walk closer to the person under the tree we start slowing down.

I reach and grab onto a staff like item they have in their hand while Luz checks their pulse.

And while I'm checking their pulse I'm grabbing onto the bag sitting next to them and trow it over to Gus.

I catch the bag and start searching thru it only to see things like herbs and wierd looking vegetable or even fruit like stuff.

"Found anything useful?"

"Just food and herbs, maybe they Are a vegetarian"

"Maybe...  Maybe"

I plan on doing the second best thing in this scenario. I tie them up and slap them yelling 'wake up' apperantly it works. Pretty well too.

The person jolts right awake and Luz steps back while I do the same

You understand how the double pov works now right? Each new part switches between the 2 characters.

So this is Gus

This is Luz

This is Gus again
This is still Gus

But this is Luz

Simple right? Don't get your hopes up it will get a bit confusing.

I walk closer and crouch down and ask in a moderatly suspicious tone "Who are you"

They blink a couple times looking at both of us "I'm sorry princess smarty pants but i am tied up, slapped and your friend has my belongings why should I say anything"

"Because Luz asked you"

"Don't tell them my name!"

"So i shouldn't say that I'm Gus either?"


The tied up person starts laughing "oh man this is hilarious. Hahaha ugh... Huh.. so Luz and gus the 2 new recruits sent her by her majesty? To what.. interrogate? Don't you want me dead?"

"Majesty? What do you think we live in the 700s? We don't have kings and queens. i mean Luz had the emperor but that's pretty much it."

"And what's with you ears" they look at me "it's not pointy like mine or the girl's" the person announces pointing at my ears before Gus's.

"Oh uhh well Luz is a witch, and I'm a human" i point out looking at Luz go see if she can continue.

"And because of this he has normal ears, I'm guessing you also can use magic of some sort?
I use spell circles and gus can use glyphs in the human realm and witch realm.. as long as the door is opened at least."

"Glyph... So a type of summoning circle?"-?

"no.. more like symbol on the paper, Luz discovered the glyphs and showed me how to use them"-gus

It is mentioned that witches used to use glyphs as well and we see Philip use them before he got his staff so Luz didn't invent them in the original story either

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