8. What is this place?

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So a 4 chapters a month schedule is already failing.

Me: I'm done with this week's chapter right?

Wattpad: what chapter?

Me: the one I've been writing for like 3 hours

Wattpad: uhh you posted a chaptera couple days ago but that's bout it

Me: bruhhhhh

So here's a chapter

Just kidding i didn't finish like ever. I'm doing it rn

Hunter Pov:

I block the attack with a sword.. wait when did i get a sword?

When i decided you can't die

Ah yes. plot armor.

I parry the attack and step back a bit getting my staff out. I run forward and as it swings i role under it and jump thru the portal door slaming it shut.
I take a breath. What was that thing!? It felt.. almost as if it wasn't alive. Hopefully it can't get thru.

"T r e s p a s s e r" i turn to see another figure. This.one isn't armored. Looks more like straight up like some form of liquid.

"Who are you"

"T r e s p a s s e r s  s h o u l d  b e  e x e c u t e d  o n  s i g h t"


"D I E" it's arm turns into an axe swinging at me. I jump to the side it lifts the arm again turning it into something that resembles a sledge hammer and attacks. I role to the side and get up from the ground. Making a run for it. Wait i have spells!

I turn around making a spell circle in the air "eat this" i say as i cast the spell and shoot a huge piece of stone at it. The stone stops mid air and the liquid almost flows onto parts creating something that could resemble a web before it crushes the stone into pieces. Ok new plan. I will make a run for it!

I start running and see the ledge of the cliff. As i get closer i see a forest at the foot of the mountain like area and decide to jump it. The figures hand reaching after me as it just fails while i dash onto the tree using the staff.

I look behind as it looks at me. I have to avoid that thing. Wait. Do i still have signal here?. I pull out my phone which i surprisingly did not lose and check for signal. The only problem is my phone is on 7% so i gotta make a phone call and make it quick

Amity Pov:

Me and sky are doing our usual work when she gets a call.

As a type of body guard.. well not body guard. That's not exactly her job but ye... she should still get privacy.

She walks off while i do some work on a new little gadget i was trying to make. Of course I'm not as good as dad but i do surpass him in some ways. Mainly? Understanding codes.

Which is why I'm creating a code breaker. Well password breaker would be a better name as it's main use is 'cracking the code' and why would i need to make such a device?

We have been hacked so many times and asked to pay for our files that I'm sick and tired.

Of course i keep a backup of all the data we have both in a cloud and on a special drive (storage unit) but that's apperantly not enough. Of course a device like this wouldn't be actually sold. It would be to dangerous. Which reminds me. What is Luz doing?

Shes been radio silent. Something about needing the portal key... Hunter should know about this right?

As I'm looking for my phone i get a call. Just the man i was trying to.

"Hey what's up"

"Gus's house, portal monster thingy help"

"Slow down.. what are you talking about"

"The door can open to a different world. A wired masked monster thing is guarding it. I'm guessing luz and Gus are around here somewhere"

"Ok... Monster? Are you fine?"

"Ye i came thru the door and ran to a tree. There's a second monster that can change shapes and use it's arms to turn into weapons, also it's very strong. Threw a boulder at it and it crushes it into pieces"

"We got Luz back not long ago and now we are going to do a rescue mission again.. great"

"Get sky. You will need a staff so until th-"
"I have a staff. We got it from the emperor's coven's storage don't you remember?"

"Oh right. Then grab your staffs and hurry I'll stay close. Get willow too just in case. I don't know what this place is."

"On it"

Sky returns. "Got a call from my insurancy company. Apperantly there's something with my identity. Which is hilarious because i made sure that all of documents are fine"

"So your husband"

"Not my husband yet"

"Your partner whom you are engaged to called about the portal door. There's another realm and he almost died. You know the usual"


"But. He told me to grab you and willow and head over. In case we want to help ya know"

"So move!"

"Alright alright Ms. Engagement I'm coming"

Meanwhile Luz Pov:

As we reach a random tree our 'prisoner' stops.

"We're here"-?

"There's nothing here tho"-Gus

"We have been walking for a while don't try anything funny"-Luz

"I'm not I swear we are here it's a hidden location. Because you know we are in hiding"-?

"Well mystery lady I'm sorry that i don't know your secret bunker"-Luz

"Oh I'm Jane. Jane Forger. But just call me Jane"- Jane.

"So where is your secret base?"-gus

"Right here" Jane steps forward and opens a hatch then signals them to help her get in.

Her hands are tied and ladders aren't the easiest to use that way.
As the other two follow her down they look around to see a pretty nice little underground bunker.

"Looks like the others aren't here"-Jane

"Should we be worried"-Gus.

"Well as long as I can ask them to not break anything in you ye.. they punch first question later. Which is quite useful" -Jane

As the two are walking Luz explores the rest of the hideout. All sorts of potions and ingredients lie around.

Something starts climbing out of the cauldron. Luz steps back somewhat alerted but doesn't make a noise. She makes a spell circle only to see a cat step out. But it's not a normal cat. She can see thru it.

"What's with the racoon?"

"Oh that's a like a cloud.. it's magic it's real cat that can be pet and all but it can float and stuff."-Jane

"And stop calling cats Racoons"-Gus

"My mom told me when I was young that if it's gray and black stripes, small and like eating trash than it's a racoon."-Luz

"And when did you see Eda's cat eat garbage?"-Gus

"Many times actually"-Luz

"Well until the other arrive we can talk right"-Jane

"Yep totally. Now explain who this ruler is"

And here is where I'm ending it. I'm very sorry i literally wrote like 50 words, quit for a few days. Came back wrote around 400, left again and so on. I'll try to keep up the schedule as Toh is ending soon I'm sure you heard. So I'll be releasing a speech about that.

The Door To The Unknown (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now