2. Old Friends

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Luz Pov:

My eyes open to the sound of an alarm and I tilt my head to the left to see the familiar phone buzzing.

I reach onto the night stand and grab it lowering it down.. The phone is on 5%.. Not surprised. I forgot to plug it into the charger and stop the alarm and get up. A headache takes over and I hold my head until it slowly goes away.

I look at the time to make sure I'm not waking up late and see that it's alredy 9 in the morning.
I mentally note that I should try to wake up a bit sooner if possible and get up looking around the room.
I remember that I slept in normal outfit and feel annoyed.

'Another thing..' I walk to my closet and grab out a towel walking to the bathroom.
A shower whould be nice.. A long warm shower... I think to myself and wait a bit for the water to get warm enough.
I quickly undress and take a shower like usual.

Im not gonna give to much detail for obvious reasons.

After around 20-30 minutes I stop the water and grab my towel cleaning myself off and get something to wear for today.

After some much needed thinking I take a crimson t-shirt and a pair of light Grey pants along with some underwear and socks.

I finnaly get dressed and look at the phone... It's already charged? I Dont think I should trust it beaing charged this fast... I turn the phone over to the back to see a small blight industrys logo on the bottom left corner... Right.. Those batteries charger faster and last longer.. One of the bigger selling points and the reason the company got so many buyers... Well it was when Amity gave me a tour.

I grab onto the charger pulling it out of the phone and connector (I don't actually know the name of those ((in English)) and my phone is dying ;-; so we will stick with that)

I put the charger onto the laptop pretty much occupying the whole night stand.

I slide my phone into my pocket and walk out of my room.

My universe so my logic! I heard... From a lot of people that woman shorts don't have pockets! (or are too small?) So the ones in the story will.

I walk to the stairs my legs bearly beaing lifted off the ground as a small sore pain is felt through out my leg.

I slowly walk up the stair walking towards the front door before I hear a couple footsteps. I turn around.

"And where are you headed to whitout eating?" asks a dark long blue haired lady.

"To see my frend you know? They have not seen me yet... Oh right I should also check on my sister" I answer and she has a bit or a mad look on her face.

"When will you eat then?" she asks once again.

"I can grab something on the way there.. When we were coming back yesterday I saw a lot of small stores and stuff."

"And how will you buy items without money?"

I stop for a second... She got a point.
She reaches into her pocket, grabs out a small compact wallet and grabs out a small card handing it to me.

"I don't think I can play cards with people for food" I say looking at the small card.

"Its a credit card.. I made one for both you and hunter... In case you return of course... Small point is that until you move out to your girlfriend or anything like that I'll put on an amount of money onto this card every week."

She takes a breath and continues.

"It will be up to you to spend it whatever way you want.. You can save it and buy something bigger or you can just spend it all at once but then have non the rest of it".

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