5. Campfire Stories Pt. 1

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Is me birthday so you guys getting a new chapter. How bout that for a fair deal? I mean i might not finish on my birthday butt... Idk I'll make it quite long.

I did not finish on my birthday. Q&A in a couple chapters if I get enough questions. Ask away

As night rolled around we decided to set up a tent.

"All these new plants are... Interesting to say the least" gus started "certainly just as wierd as human plants" I added which he quickly deflected "we don't have soul eating plants that look like sunflowers" and I know that for sure.

"Hey soulflowers are tottaly normal. They only steal your soul if you try to harm them" I protested "Willow almost lost her soul to one when she was trying to move em into a pot"
As we finaly finish one of the tents gus stops "So?"... "So.. What?" I respond "What's between you and Amity?" he starts "Uhm.. I mean we.. Uhh she asked me out on a date and I agreed. It went well" I said trying to hide the hint of a blush forming on my face "Do tell" he added. "Fine but let's finish with the tents and set a small campfire. That we can share some stories." I add and he sighs "fine".

We grabbed out the second parts to a tent assembling the metal pipes following the manual. "We should have grabbed quick set up tents" gus said "The what now?" quick set up tents? "They are like normal tents but they are just collapsed should I say... So you just pull 2 parts away from each other and it opens up to a working tent" he explained "I can do that with magic too tho?" I added "Then please..." he sighed "Right..." I draw a spell circle and the tent starts assembling by itself. "Can you also start a campfire? One that dosent burn out?" gus asked with a lot of curiosity "Well fire magic isn't my specialty. Well flame rather than actual fire but... Ye if we can get some stones from the surrounding... I don't want anything to catch on fire" I explained "Oh ye let's do that!"

2 minutes of collecting rocks later.

"So how did your little date go?"

"Uhhh well... Where should I start" I draw a spell circle summoning a ball of fire into my hand that I trew at pieces of fire wood we.. Well not really gathered. More like I used a spell while gus was getting the rocks.

"She obviously asked me when I went over to her. A week ago and.. Of course I agre- Flashback time. "Whould you... Uhh HUFF uhh... Whould you like to go grab some food sometime?" Amity asked the Luz who was puting her shoes back on "Asking me out on a date? Goin soft on me blight?" she snickered "Maybe..." Amity turned away in embarrasment.

"How about.. Tommorow night? I'll pic-" Luz interrupted Amity "I'll pick you up... We got a staf..... I don't have a staff anymore.. I still haven't found owlbert" she stopped "either way ill be the gentewoman and pick you up myself"

"Do you have a license?" Luz asked "Uh... No... But! I got a company driver who can pick you up.. *whispers to herself* what car should I pick Luz up with. Nothing to fancy its only a first date." - "Sure. Sounds ok to me.. But what Time?" Luz asked as Amity snapped out of her thoughts "7... 7:30 it's not late and we can still have enough time for a nice meal and.. I don't know.. Maybe... No never mind. Is 7:30 good for you?" Amity asked "I got nothing else to do so quite easily. Yes.. I'll see you later Mi ángel." (my angel)

As Luz said that and the door closed. Amity started using the Spanish she learned during her high school years to translate making sure she did not misunderstand and once she knew she was correct for sure she froze. Her face became a deep shade of pink as she started shouting from happiness knowing her father wasn't home for the weekend. She should really move out.

The night of the date came and Amity was pulling up to liliths house with the longest limousine she could find under 10 hours. Which was still incredibly long. Once the car stopped the drivers window pulled down and an old man almost like a butler peaked out "Miss blight we have arrived" he started "Oh yes. If I do this correctly I'll be miss noceda soon" she added blushing a bit before opening the door. She was wearing a purple and black dress which matched well with her hair. Nothing to fancy. The dress didn't even reach 5 digits so she wasn't worried of sticking out. Last thing she wanted was to embarrasse Luz who whouldnt be dressed as nicely. (5 digits is basically the fact that the dress was just under 10 thousand dollars/euros ((as currently those 2 are on the same value if I heard correctly))-) she knocked on the door and lilith opened.

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