10. The Creation

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How ironic. I started writing this chapter 1 day before the 19th (when the last once came out) and it has... 6.. reads... This is questionable... B u t

I can't give up yet can I?

I sat there on the throne thinking to myself. What should I do? I have to get Luz and her friend away from the trouble makers as they are already an issue enough. I'm trying to save them. But they just stop resisting.

Why could they not have just coopareted like the rest..? Send out the knights and they can handle it without issue. But nooo they just had to hide away and strike back.

Then i have a bunch of Buffoons who think of themselves as some elite guard i assembled.

I get bored so i use some magic to get some goo (thank you to a certain someone who pointed it out to me that goo is the correct spelling. Yes I'm dumb) and start forming a creature. It's not a creature tho is it? I'll just name it "the creation"

I start shaping the creature this time wondering off about something too.

"How is it going collector" I say and a childish voice intrudes "what I'm saved! Oh no it's just you.. leave me alone" it responds. "Why? Don't you like being trapped in between everything. In-between life and death. In-between dimensions. In-between existing and not existing?"

"No it's actually the opposite of fun so let me out"

"You know i cant do that.. you can't be defeated without the power of a being on par with yours and you are a god. I don't posses such powers"

"What if i write a small poem!"

Shadow covers the room and a small spot lights up.. or the void around it disappears?

"By You who likes to play with void
And by me who likes a creative toy
We'll create the new horizon while your kingdom falls"

(reading fall as foll kinda like with an O makes it sound a little better btw)

"That.. did not rhyme much.." i say and sigh as i have to deal with this a lot..

"I'm not asking for much! Just let me outt pleeaaasssee"

I get up and start walking towards the door. Not right now Collector. I have a resistance to stop first. "Maybe one day" i say as a close the door the creature not far behind me.

As I'm walking I'm still changing the creature's look. I want something that would scare them a little. Something that buys me enough time to prepare the last things while i destroy this world.. but how will I get them away from here?

I walk into a small room. My personal forge. Making weapons aspecially ones with magic in them is something I've gotten really good at. A certain family tought that to me. Tho they can't help right now. "What weapon should you get my Creation"
It walked around looking at all the molds for the parts of the weapons and it left them all alone. It ended up grabing a nail and brought it to me.

The nail was as long as my finger and small.

"You cant use that as a weapon" it stopped for a second and started mimicking something. Did this one not have a voice? It looked like it was trying to say big or tall "you want it but bigger?" It started nodding. How would I make a nail big? Maybe a sword will do. I'll just remove a couple parts here and there.

I drew a sketch out for it and it looked very happy nodding furiously. Ofcourse i knew it wasn't actually happy. It didn't have feelings. Or thoughts. It did what I told it to do. Pick an item it would randomly choose one.

"Fetch me a potion with this label on it" i hand a label to it as it nods leaving the room. They already knew what parts of the castle they can enter freely and what rooms they can only enter if i allow them to.

This room is one of those rooms. Perhaps I'm making a weapon and one comes and attacks me. These creatures didnt have feeling or i don't think they did. But i always found it curious about them. They apperantly felt sorrow and dread. It felt like they were thinking. But it never had a mind of its own. It wasn't created with one. It was a creation tasked with finding and capturing everybody sending them to a place where they wouldn't suffer.

A labyrinth with no exit. A maze with no price. It was a temporary fix. They had food and water. My plan was to get everyone there and then destroy the world before the being under the castle would. It was.. im not sure how to describe it. It was a being that i only heard old legends about. A creature that would wake up once every 100 thousand years (100 000) and devour a world. A whole universe then fall back to sleep.

Hah funny story am i right? A perfect nightmare for the children and a beliveble lie.

There's no monster. Never was. They weren't temporarily locked up they were sent somewhere. Somewhere far away from here.

As i said that the Creation came back holding the potion i asked for. I grabbed it out of its hand and went back to making their weapon. I need it to use a weapon that also has range. I could put a binding magic onto it so it comes back to the user after thrown but that wouldn't work well. So how about.. a special spider silk.

I used it before as it's got good durability and is still pretty light weight. As the metals for the weapon are melting i get the casting form ready and i split it into two.

After a bit of thinking i realize something... If i can put the silk into the Handle and add a button which let's the handle disconnect it could be easily thrown. And if i put the silk into the handles inside with something like a pulley (no clue how to explain it to those who don't know what it is please google it) and make the pulley work with retraction mechanism it could pull the nail back after a few seconds of being thrown. This is genius.

So i wave at the creation to come over "stay here and make sure the metals melt without issue I'll be back in a second" it nods and i leave walking thru the castle. First i stop by a room i design my stuff in like my weapons. Or the tech i use.

I grab a spring loaded custom pulley and look around grabing some tools as well. "That should be everything" i say to myself before leaving the room and start heading over to get spider silk.


Amity, Sky and Willow were walking to Gus's house "are you sure this is where the portal was opened?" Asked willow. "Yep 200% sure but apparently we have to be careful about something"

They open the door only to see a sword standing up right with it's blade in the ground they walk closer as they see the portal only for a thud to be herd behind them. A mess of metal now on the ground starts randomly twitching as if it's reanimating itself Amity reaches for her staff casting a spell as it quickly swings at them. The spell turns out to be an ice spell and it blocks the attack. Sky casts a spell as well while willow starts pulling out the sword from the ground.

The armor blocked the attack from Sky and Willow came in lunging the sword towards the helmet cutting it off swiftly in one swing. The helmet fell to the ground. With some liquid inside but the hand quickly grabbed it and ran towards the door.

They didn't know it yet but all creations were designed with a safety protocol. If it is close to getting destroyed it should go back into its own realm and melt into the ground even leaving the armor behind. This was done so no one could research them.

It opened the handle running past another creation and slowly almost melted into the ground the armor dropping piece by Piece.

The trio followed it thru the door and turned their attention to the other creation.

T r e s p a s s e r s

It spoke.

"We will not let you escape the same way your buddy did"

C h a l l a n g e   a c c e p t e d

Sorry for the late chapter. Was busy with life and all. Still i hope you liked it and I'll be slowly working towards finishing the story. Including having an epic fight with the ###. They aren't who they have been presenting themselves as.

Good day readers

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