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Brooke Pov
Max is coming over for dinner tonight; Marko wasn't happy because I couldn't hang out; I wouldn't be surprised if he came. I was putting an earring in until two cold hands touched my waist. "I knew you would come over," he smiled and laughed, "I wanted to see you since you can't hang out, which the boys are sad about."

"Tell them I said hi, and I'll see them soon," I finished getting around; Marko sat on my bed. "I'm bored; can't we sneak out," I walked over to him and rubbed his cheek. "If I didn't have dinner, then I would agree but not tonight,"

"You never say no to me, though,"

"There's a first for everything, Darling," He groaned; I giggled and put my heels on. "Marko, you're being childish," he looked at me. "Rude," Marko decided to leave. "I'll see you tomorrow?" he asked before climbing out. "Yeah," he kissed me; I placed my hands on his cheek and grabbed my waist, pulling away. I stared into his green eyes. "I love you," he whispered. My eyes widened at the words he had just told me; my heart started to beat quickly as he looked at me, waiting to reply, "I love you too," he smiled, pecked my lips, and climbed down. I watched him drive away, smile, and walk downstairs.

"Smells great; when do we eat." grandpa asked as mom was mixing the sauce, "When Max arrives,"

"Company," grandpa groaned,

"Company! Dad, you haven't had company in this house since mom died,"

"Yeah, I want to keep it that way."

The doorbell rang, and Michael answered it; Max walked through the house, confused. I walked to Sam's room to let him know Max was there. Sam talked to two boys my age,

"Who are they?" Sam jumped and turned around, "Brooke, this is Alan and Edger Frog, my dinner guests." He explained. They both looked at me dangerously. "Dinner almost finished," I walked back downstairs, and the phone rang in the living room; I picked it up. Mom and Max were chatting right behind me on the sofa.


"Sweets," my heart fluttered, "how did you get my number?" I asked.

"Oh, I have my ways,"

My cheeks reddened; "what you up to?" He asked.

"Marko, I already told you," I knew what he was doing, trying to convince me to hang out with him. "It's not going to work." He chuckled on the other end of the phone. "you know me so well," I smiled at his comment.

"I have to go do something, Honey," I confessed,

"Alright, Brookie," I smiled at the phone. "Bye, Marko." I hung the phone back up, and my mom looked at me "who's Marko?" She asked; I turned white as a ghost. "A friend," I could tell she looked right through my lie. "I don't think you should be hiding a boyfriend from me." mom commented; my eyes widened at her.

"Mom, he's just a friend,"

"Ok, sweetie,"

Dinner was terrific. Do you know why? Sam and his dork friends switch the cheese to garlic, and when Max is choking on garlic, Sam throws water at him. Then finally, they turned the lights off and placed a mirror in front of him, so when the lights came back on, he got spooked; I mean, I can't blame him; he finally realized his hair was ugly. But then Sammy got in big trouble.

I walked to my room and lay on my bed; I felt my eyes on me. I looked around. No one or Nanook is stalking me again. A hand covered my mouth until I got up to change; I bit their hand hard. The hand flew away; I turned to Michael, "Mike, what the fuck."

"Brooke, I found out who I am," he said; I looked at him, "I'm one of them," My heart broke; Marko said he would keep Michael safe; he lied to me. "Mike, what are we supposed to do?" Michael looked at the ground, "I don't know,"

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