Our basement has a rat problem in this dream. I'm trying to figure out where these rats are coming from so I am looking around the basement. I found this hole and it looked big enough for a rat so I shined my phone flashlight down into it and it ran DEEP! Looking around for a brick or something, to stop the rats, I stumble across this trapdoor (???) and I assume it's been there since the beginning of time. I open it, casually go down the ladder. Apparently, under my basement is this huge cavernous area that I will call the second basement. At the bottom of the ladder, I find some railroad tracks, they appear wider than the average and enter/exit from the tunnels on the side. Walking alongside the railroad to the tunnel, I get this mini vision of me hearing this scary mass and dying so nope! I go back up the ladder. I block the hole with a brick and hope that stops the rats from coming back up. The next day, in my yard, there is this big collapsed sinkhole now. Great, I'm going to get in trouble for this! (that is legit what I thought). There are a couple openings down to this second basement, big enough for me to look down from the rim of the sinkhole to see this weird gruely looking fairy. She has pale skin, black sunken eyes, wrinkles, ripped wings, and is wearing something I don't remember. Imma call her the Rat Queen. She commands the rats to stack on top of each other to try and get out the sinkhole. We made eye contact and she screeched, "The second plague is at hand!" I frown at this and try to walk the outer edge of the sinkhole because I believe the solution to get rid of this Rat Queen is in the backyard? But due to the Rat Queen being as degrading as she is, the whole edge of the sinkhole is surrounded by poisonous plants like poison ivy, etc. My legs get wrapped up in them and it feels like tv static, I start to tumble down the hole where the rats are coming out of. This is slightly disappointing for me. Good thing I woke up.
PertualanganSo my cousin who I call midnight has been having very strange dreams ever since she met a guy in her dreams one time and now he's popping up wherever he does in her dreams from now on so well she's been telling me her dreams and we've been able to c...