Chapter 1

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The night air was a little refreshing as I stepped out the back of the diner. My apron was stained with ketchup that had exploded while refilling the bottles with a mess of chocolate milk some kid spilled on me earlier that evening. I lit a cigarette, as I inhaled I looked up watching the alley light flicker.

I sighed flicking ashes into the trash can beside me when the back door opened and Jerry the cook called, "Kristin!! Table 4 just left needs cleaning honey!" I nodded, "Thank You, I'll be right in."

My heart was beating so fast it hurt my chest as the familiar voice whispered, "I've been waiting for you baby!" He dragged me past the halo of light that cascaded down from the street lamp an pulled me deeper into the alley.

He then slammed me down onto the asphalt; quickly following me onto the ground as he straddled my waist. I kicked my feet as he held down my arms. I began to cry in frustration my mouth quivered as I tried to force myself to scream but nothing came out.

He then began to plant hard forced kisses on my lips. I tossed my head trying to avoid them. I couldn't believe this nightmare was happening to me. my makeup was stinging my eyes when I felt his hands begin to push up my uniform shirt. I squeaked, "Don't!"

He only laughed shaking his head he began to pull at my underwear, that's when I finally forced out a loud terror filled scream that echoed off the brick, "Please, help me!" He growled, "Shut the fuck up!" I screamed out, "I'm being rapped, please help!"

He slapped me busting my top lip open, "Shut up, ain't no one comin' to save you!" He then ripped off my underwear leaving me exposed. I then heard the zipper of his pants and whimpered and sobbed loudly.

I closed my eyes helpless as he grabbed my hips and waited for the painful, terrible, invasive sensation to rip through my body when his weight was lifted off me. I sat there sobbing when I heard knuckle-contacting skin in powerful punches.

Through clenched teeth my savior yelled, "Get the hell of her, you fuckin' freak!!" My attacker groaned in pain and I could hear running footsteps as my savior chased him out of the alley.

I curled up sobbing in complete darkness, my eyes shut tight. I then heard footsteps approach me quickly then very softly. I could feel him as he kneeled down grabbing my arms softly, "Kristin?"

I twisted around looking at my savior, my eyes quivered with tears when I saw Elvis' face looking down at me his eyes filled with pity. He helped me stand when the back door opened and Jerry called, "Kristin! Honey where the hell are you?"

Elvis wrapped his coat around me as we approached the back door. Hank's face sagged in surprise, "What the hell happened?" I was still speechless, in shock keeping my head down, Elvis answered for me in his slight mushed accent, "She got attacked by some guy in the alley."

Jerry sat me down in the back of the diner; Elvis leaned against the freezer door as I cried trying to get myself together. Jerry offered me coffee, "Fid you know him Kristin?" I shook my head lying, "No... I- I didn't see his face."

Jerry turned to Elvis, "Did you know him?" He shook his head, "No sir, older fella I beat him up pretty good, gave him a black eye and a bloody lip." Elvis then mumbled, "Freak, attacking a lady like that..."

Jerry sighed rubbing his eyes, "Well I'm glad this young man was around to help you Kristin. I think you should head home get some rest and get your mind right." He then looked at Elvis, "If you don't mind me asking, would you escort this young lady home... she lives in the government help community..."

Elvis finished his sentence, "The Courts, I know me and Kristin are neighbors sir." Jerry shook his head, "Good, good... now you watch her good, make sure she gets home nice and safe with her Aunt." Elvis helped me from the bucket I was sitting on, "Don't worry sir, I will."

We were silent almost the whole way to the Courts. I had known Elvis since he first moved in with his parents more than a few years back. He was always shy and reserved. Sometimes when no one was out, I snuck a peak at him a few times playing a cheap plywood guitar and singing songs, mostly Gospel music.

Now we were a little older, he was kind of beginning to break out of his shell. He drives around his daddy's truck like a big giant Cadillac and sometimes sings to some of the neighbors songs he listens to on the radio.

He isn't hard to miss with his long slicked back hair and sideburns, plus he has been walking in some pretty fancy clothes lately too. But we never really talk; I live a few houses down with my Aunt Brenda and the most I've said to him was Hello or Good Morning.

But I was glad he was there tonight, I held his arm tightly allowing a few more tears to escape my eyes, some of them landing on the bright turquoise tweed jacket that Elvis was wearing.

He stopped me a moment, I gasped slightly when he folded me in a comforting hug, "Kristin, please don't cry anymore, I'm sorry that had to happen to you, but don't cry... your alright." My fingers gently played with a button on his shirt as my thoughts jumped together.

I watched as a car drove by the headlights blinding me. I then slowly raised my face to look at his. He was looking down at me, a small smile crossing his lips, he then wiped a tear, "You okay now?" I nodded silent.

We finally made it to the Courts, one of the neighbors dogs barked loudly as we passed and I could hear laughter and a few radios on in the open windows humming music or news broadcasts.

We made it to my house, I could hear Aunt Brenda's hair dryer as we approached the front door. Elvis knocked. I held his jacket tight around me, her footsteps getting louder.

My smeared makeup and disheveled hair immediately sent off a warning signal, "What happened Kristin?" I shook my head, "Nothin.." I then turned to Elvis and sheepishly thanked him, "Thank you Elvis, if you come down to the diner sometime, you can have a Pepsi and burger on the house if you'd like." He shook his head, "No thank you, I'm just happy to have been able to help you Kristin."

I scrambled into the house past Aunt Brenda as Elvis nodded and stepped off our porch, "Goodnight miss Lawson."

I sat curled up with my pillow on my bed in the dark, my bedroom door locked. Aunt Brenda stood outside the hall, "Kristin, come out, what happened? Why did the Presley boy walk you home early, you gotta tell me sometime... Kristin?"

I was quiet, staring when she sighed, "Alright, I'll leave you be, I'm just concerned about you... because I love you." I sighed wiping tears away as her shadow disappeared from the bottom of my door.

I then glanced at my desk chair; Elvis had forgotten to take his jacket with him. It was hanging neatly on the back of my chair, I had an excuse to see him again and maybe talk with him a while, he was so nice, I've never been held like that by any boy and it felt nice... he was just nice.

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