Chapter 12

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Elvis' car headlights blinked in the front of the house when he saw us at the door. As soon as we were on the lawn we gunned it jumbling into the truck. As I situated myself into the passenger seat, Elvis whirled around to look at Sherrie and Gene in the back.

Elvis smiled pointing at Gene introducing him to Sherrie, "Sherrie this is my cousin Gene Smith... Gene this is Sherri." Sherrie took Gene's hand daintly interrupting Elvis, "I'm Sherrie Grant sir, nice to meet you."

Gene looked more than happy to have Sherrie at his side, but she gave me one look and I sunk back into my seat. Gene wasn't the more handsome fella but he was kin and funny... I hoped she would give him a chance to at least be friendly.

Elvis found parking at a local dance club we all liked, I recognized some of the cars from Humes. Gene jumped out of the truck and rushed to Sherrie's door to open it for her. She looked at me sideways as she got out and I rolled my eyes turning around so she wouldn't see.

As I went to open the door to follow Sherrie and Gene inside Elvis grabbed my arm. "Wait a second Kristin." I stopped turnin around in my seat to face him, "Yeah, what's up?" Elvis eyed Sherrie hurrying inside, Gene stumbling behind her, "What's with your friend? She aint nothin but been damn mean!"

I sighed, "Really Elvis she can be kind, just give her a chance...she's just like that." Elvis pierced his lips, "She dont seem like the kind of girl you'd be friends with Kristin, I don't like her... she has a mean spirit and well... I don't know why you hang around a girl like that."

I shuged, "She is my only friend Elvis... like I said you have to give her a chance." Elvis sighed, "No and I aint talkin to her no more, she gives me those looks and my mouth is close to sayin somethin to her she aint gonna like."

I took his arm, "C'mon lets go inside and have some fun, okay..." He smiled kissing me on the cheek, "Fine."

A few times a couple guys budged in trying to switch partners then Elvis' jealous side would come out. He'd glare at them and growl; "She's my partner tonight go switch with some oher chump would ya?" Most of them shrugged his aggressiveness off and continued on their way having too much fun of their own to tussle.

Suddenly a fast moving song came on and someone tapped Elvis on the shoulder it was Sherrie. Without saying a word she was in Elvis' arms laughin and giggling. My heart sped up in jealously as Elvis continued to dance with her smiling, she was being charming.

I didn't even notice to whom she switched me until he spoke. That voice made my eyes widen and I was looking into the face of Mark. He held me close, "Wow Kristin its been a while, you've certainly grown up...filled out nicely." I blushed when his hand grabbed my behind.

Mark had to be at least 21 now and he certainly had grown more handsome, but he still had those cruel eyes. I went to shrug out of his embrace when he held me tighter, "Oh come now Kristin, dance with me for a bit... its been a while."

We continued to dance together and he got closer and bolder. I shivered my body betraying me as he slowed his movements whispering, "You're even more beautiful then the last time I saw you Kristin, I'm sorry what happened between us a couple years ago." I didn't speak only a few tears escaping the corner of my eye.

He then looked at me a bit hungrily like he used to his movements almost coming to a halt; you always have feelings for your first love, the one who changed your perspective on the world and how a relationship could be, I still had emotions for Mark.

He then leaned in and kissed me gently on the lips. I wanted to push back but couldn't, I love Elvis not Mark! I'd grown to hate him as he continued to kiss me, suddenly I was ripped backward by my arm, almost falling to the ground.

My eyes blurred by my tears I heard a loud smacking crack of knuckle contacting skin. I wiped my tears away and saw Mark rising from the floor and Elvis stooping over him. Mark and Elvis began to fist fight.

The band had stopped and the crowd began to gather. I screamed for them to stop, Elvis had a bloody lip and swollen eye when he finally over powered Mark and threw him to the ground punching him repeatedly. I went to grab Elvis but a bouncer pushed me back lifting Elvis off of Mark as he screamed, "Keep your damn hands off my girl!!"

I went to follow Elvis as he was being escorted angrily out of the club when I heard Mark call after me. I turned a moment as he wiped blood from his lips, "Just like white trash to be with white trash right Kristin... go on, go after your mushed mouth angry hick boyfriend, bitch!"

I was so angry I had no reply. I just continued to cry as I sprinted out of the club a few of my classmates chuckling at me as I did so. I was out in the front of the club feeling the cool night air on m skin; Elvis was no where to be seen.

I called for him when Sherrie appeared at my side. I looked at her a moment, my lip quivered as I asked, "Sherrie why'd you switch me with Mark?" She made a face of fake surprise, "I had no clue this was going to happen Kristin... I thought you might've wanted to see him after all this time."

My hands formed fists, "Sherrie how could you?" Sherrie coldly shrugged, "Oh stop being dramatic Kristin, this was not my intention and just goes to show what kind of guy Elvis really is...violent and angry!"

I shoved Sherrie and she stumled backward. Gene was right there to catch her before she fell, "KRISTIN! Why I never in all my life?" I didn't say a word giving her an evil look before running off down the street to find Elvis where ever he was, to explain myself.

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