Chapter 14

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After church I dressed in my waitress uniform. As I sprayed my perfume along my neck, I remembered Elvis reaching for my wrist placing his lips on the tender skin there his breath lingered as he whispered, "You smell so pretty all the time baby, what perfume do you wear?" I wore Angelique

I grabbed my purse and headed out to the chevy with Aunt Brenda. She placed a scarf over her perfectly curled hair and put the car in gear, she looked at me sideways moping as she backed up, "Oh lord Kristin, if you behave and your grades stay good, I'm sure your punishment will lessen... and oyu'll be able to see Elvis again."

When she said his name was when I began to bawl. As she turned into the street she gasped, "Honey, why are you crying?" I took my hankerchief from my purse dabbing my eyes so they wouldn't smear, "I'm not even sure Elvis ever wants to see me again!"

Aunt Brenda made a face of confusion, "That boy is crazy about you Kristin, why wouldn't he want to see you again... you guys made a mistake but..." I then yelled, "No, no, no not that..." I then continued to tell her the story of what had gone on at the dance club.

She sighed, "Kristin, I'm surprised Sherrie would do such a thing to you... I hope you don't have feelings for Mark, he was a bastard... excue me." I dabbed my eyes a bit more keeping tears from welling, "No I don't I hate him actually, I love Elvis!"

I was kind of distant at work, as I dried coffee mugs I heard a few familar voices. Some kids I went to school with huddled in a booth nearby.

I grabbed my notebook and went to take their order. One of the girls I reconized from my algebra class, she was really smart and pretty. She was holding her boyfriends hand and giggling when a little pang of jealously sprung in me and I asked tersely, "Can I takeyour order?"

Ashley was her name that I could remember and she gasped at the sight of me, "Kristin I saw what happened between Elvis and that other guy at the club last night, what a brawl!"

After gathering my things up I headed out to the street, Elvis had promised he was coming to pick me up when I saw a familar face come walking towards me, it was Elvis' cousin Gene.

He sat next to me, "Hey Kristin, E told me to come to the diner to greet you, he is out working and he swore to his momma that he wouldn't come to see you... dont mean he didn't wanna, just he is grounded from seeing you for a while."

I nodded, "Oh thank you Gene, I aint supposed to be seeing him niether." He then handed me a little note, "But he did tell me to give you this" he rose from the bench, "Okay Kristin I'll be seeing you around."

I tucked the note into my purse, I then headed home. Walking down my street, I passed Elvis' house. I saw the Presley's silhouettes in their kitchen window. I could hear Elvis' muffled voice through the open screen window, I listened for a moment. I wondered if he was hurting as much as I was?

After I got home, I went to my room and got ready for bed. I sat at my desk and finished the history report that was due in the morning and grumbled through a page of math equations for almost an hour. Then just before bedtime I reached into my purse and pulled out the note Gene had given me earlier.

My hands were shaking as I unfolded the notebook paper; there in Elvis' messy handwriting was a little letter: My Dearest Kristin,

I know what happened last night was the worst, I was angry... I got a temper I can't hold it in most times. If I could I would've killed Mark for having his hands on you! I aint angry at you no more, sitting in church today you were the only thing on my ever loving mind... what happened wasn't your fault baby I realize that now. I aint supposed to be seeing you, my folks were more than furious at me when I got home. Momma just about knocked me into a new century. I'm surprised I can still hear after all that hollering. I hope you'll forgive me and my temper... my emotions and my big heart. Write me back soon my love... please forgive me.


Elvis Presley

My eyes watered slightly after reading his messy writing but love filled words. I must've re-read the note a million times just knowing he wasn't angry at me anymore eased me a little inside.

I couldn't believe he apologized for what happened, but then again what happened between us was both our faults, our emotions went haywire and we weren't thinking straight, just allowing out anger, jealously and frustrations to fly out of control.

I then quickly penned him back before bed. Just as I was signing the bottom of the letter and placing a lipstick print over my handwriting Aunt Brenda opened my door and shut off my lights, "Lights out Kristin... go to bed."

I nodded groaning, "Yes ma'am" I placed my letter into my pocketbook, hoping my words were just as consoling to him as his were to me.

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