Chapter 8

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Elvis' relationship and mine was strong in the two months we'd been dating. We told each other almost everything and spent almost every moment we could together, it was easy just living such a short ways apart.

Elvis constantly took me out to the movies, the roller rink and even the music clubs he frequented on Beale. He spent so much money on me for our 1 month anniversary he bought me flowers and a pretty new beret for my hair, I had nothing for him, not because I had forgotten, but I was saving up for something special.

One evening we were in the black seat of the truck. He had parked just outside town, the typical secluded spot where teens turned off the headlights and necked all night long, or even more.

Now having nowhere else to be I was in his arms in the backseat. The window becoming fogged I moaned as his hands traveled up my torso and began to fiddle with my bra hooks. He was getting better and I slipped the lacy pink thing to the floorboards.

As we continued I was getting a little hungry, wanting more I took a chance and went for his belt. My hands fumbled with his buckle when suddenly he separated from me, "What are you doin?" I blushed my heart sinking, "I don't know... I-I'm sorry." I sat there a moment, Elvis always did this, our emotional relationship was strong but our physical relationship was almost nonexistent.

Elvis though he hadn't really spoken it clearly was a virgin. I sat there a little frustrated with him; I think he was intimidated by the fact I had already been in this kind of situation. He went to kiss me again and I stopped him, "Elvis, why do you do that, even with me you just stop yourself?"

He shrugged, "Can we not talk about this right now." I shook my head, "No I really want to know." He glared at me, my heart hurt he had never given me such a look before, "Kristin, stop... I just, it don't feel right."

His comment really hurt me almost immediately, I wasn't special enough for him, tears began to well in my eyes, "I don't feel right to you?" Elvis sighed slamming himself back into the seat while I wiped a few falling tears, "I just want the moment to be special baby and I don't know I just...I don't know."

I sat there silent a moment, an anger building up, "It it all because I'm not a virgin Elvis?" He growled, "No! That aint it at all!" I raised my voice, "Don't lie I can tell when your lying, it is that, isnt it?"

He didn't say anything, which meant everything. Trying to hold back a sob I opened the door and jumped out of the car. I ran into the small patch of woods beind us where we were parked. I could hear Elvis calling after me but I ignored him.

As I sat there and cried in the sadness of my regrets and mistakes I heard footsteps. I saw Elvis in the brush. I stood throwing a rock into the water, "Kristin why'd you run from me? You had me screaming and hollering your name like a crazy man."

I ignored him as he approached, "Baby, I'm sorry..I'm sorry for making you hurt." His apoligies weren't working my heart was still hurting when I turned to look at him, I saw something in his eyes that was not quite clear, "Just take me home."

It was the first time Elvis and me were quiet in the car together, the only thing between us was the radio. I played with the tuner stopping it on Nat King Cole singing, "Answer Me, My Love" My lips quivered when Elvis stopped the car infront of my house.

I opened the door and immediatly hopped out running into my house without saying goodbye, I could hear his voice calling after me but I ignored his plead. Sprinting in my room I slammed the door and lay on my bed and cried into my pillow.

I cried myself to sleep as I slept I heard a gentle knock at my window. My eyes slowly opened at the noise. I looked at my alarm clock that read it was quite late and turned on my side table lamp.

I approaced my window and opened it to see Elvis standing on a still. I glowered at him when he smiled nervously, "Kristin can I come in?" I shrugged as he climbed inside. I sat on my bed as he leaned against my vanity, he was quiet as I tapped my feet, "So what do you want?"

He ran his palm along his jaw, "I wanted to say I'm sorry, truly baby I don't ever want to hurt you, you were really hurt tonight." I shrugged, "I still am..." He nodded, "I know and I don't ever want to make you hurt, I'm jus nervous."

I looked at him hard, "About what?" He dug his toe into my floor rug, "What if I aint what you want?" I allowed a small smile to cross my lips but hid it, "You are what I want I what you want?"

He nodded, "Yeah, I love you" He took my hand from my lap leading me to stand and I allowed him to wrap his arms around me right as he whispered into my ear, "I'm sorry baby, please forgive me." I hugged him back, "I forgive you and I'm sorry too."

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