Chapter 2

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I hadn't really slept that night; I was scared and kept having nightmares. I actually resorted to holding the teddy bear that sat on my bedside table. But not even he sedated my fears. I gently raised from my sheets the moonlight drifting into the window.

I slowly got up from the bed and walked to my desk. Gently I took Elvis' jacket from the chair and held it. I then made it quietly back into my bed and held the heavy tweed jacket close to my chest.

Tears rolling down my cheeks I held the jacket only wanting him to hold me tight to tell me I was okay, for Elvis to whisper to me that I was safe, like he had done walking me home. I could smell a hint of his cologne on the collar as I nuzzled it and slowly began to drift into sleep.

The next morning after dressing in my black uniform and pulling my long, dark brown hair into a ponytail, I tokk Elvis' jacket from my bed, neatly folded it and placed it over my arm.

I walked out into the living room; I could hear Aunt Brenda shuffling around in the kitchen. As I approached I saw she already had my plate ready with pancakes and sausage. I placed his jacket on the couch and sat down at the breakfast table.

Aunt Pam turned to me flipping her own flap jacks onto a place, "Well good morning..." I nodded and mumbled, "Good morning.'

She then slowly took a seat in front of me. Quietly I ate my meal, but I could feel her gaze on me. As I went to grab the pitcher of orange juice she finally spoke, "So when are you going to tell me what happened last night?"

I shrugged, "Nothing happened really." She sighed, "Kristin someone just doesn't get walked home looking a mess by a boy she barely knows, what happened?" I growled, "Nothin...nothin happened, just leave me alone!"

Aunt Brenda slammed her silverware dow, "Kristin I just... I just want to help you, you've been so distant these last months and I'm worried, I don't want you to end up like my sister!" I stood from the table; "Don't say that, I aint ever going to be my mom, never! I am fine thats all you need to know...okay!"

Trying to hold back my frustrated tears and not to smear my makeup I began to approach the Presley's house. Mrs.Presley kept her home neat and had a few flowerpots filled with Begonias on the porch.

I shakily raised my hand and knocked on the door. I heard a womans voice call through the open window in another room, "Comin...just a moment" I stood patiently finally composing myself when the front door opened to reveal Gladys Presley she had a waist apron on and a gentle smile, "Oh well good mornin Kristin, how may I help you?"

I held up Elvis' jacket to the screen door, "I have Elvis' jacket, he forgot to get it from me last night." Mrs. Presley nodded opening the screen all the way, "Honey, would you like to come in for something to drink?" I was a little confused until I saw the concern in her eyes, Elvis had told her what happened.

I sat at the small table in their kitchen; they had little furniture but it was neat in the house and family pictures covered the walls, a little different then Aunt Brenda's busy old furniture and fussy paintings on the wall.

A big bundle of of pink Gladious was in a pitcher in the middle of the table where I was sitting I admired them as Mrs.Presley sat a glass of sweet tea infront of me, "Elvis got those for me yesterday from a vendor in town, aren't they pretty?" I nodded, "They're gorgeous!"

She smiled, "I'm glad Elvis was able to help you yesterday, that had to be scary, did you tell your Aunt?" I shook my head, "No I dont like to worry her a lot, and she would completely fall apart if she knew."

Mrs,Presley smiled, "Honey, I think she is more worried not knowing, when Elvis came in this house missing a jacket with a scuffed cheek and bruised knuckles I was so worried and hollering with him hanging around bad spots down town... when he told me what happened it just eased me a little, I was still worried, but it helps us parents knowing what happens to our babies."

I lowered my gaze from her gentle but knowing eyes, "I guess so..." Suddenly I heard the slam of a screen door behind me. I looked over and saw Elvis wiping his face covered in car grease, 'Momma, daddy says the truck needs a new triming belt and I gotta walk down to the parts store to get it."

He stopped in his tracks at the sight of me sitting there, sweat glistening on his tanned skin he eyed me a moment. I blushed when Mrs.Presley spoke, "Okay Elvis what does your daddy need money, I think I got some in my pocket book."

Elvis didn't answer as Mrs.Presley went looking for her purse. Elvis walked closer to me as I stroked the perspiration of my glass, "Kristin what are you doin?" I smiled sheepishly, "I came to return your jacket and your momma asked me in for a cold drink" He nodded, "You okay?" I nodded, "Yes, thank you.. a little sore but I'm okay thanks to you." we both smiled at each other a moment.

I then glanced at the clock above the icebox, "Oh I need to get going... but I am working today if you wanna come by for that burger." He smiled wiping sweat from his forhead with his palm, "Okay...I'll try to come down."

I grabbed my purse and went to leave as Mrs.Presley came back into the kitchen, "Leaving already? Do you want a blueberry muffin? I just made them." I thanked her for her kind hospitality, "Thank you so much ma'am but I have to go to work."

I then turned back to Elvis, "Promise you'll come see me." He nodded, "Yeah sure thing Kristin, I promise." I turned away blushing as I headed out the door out into the courts.

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