Chapter 15

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For 2 weeks Elvis and me communiated solely with notes and letters. In a way it kind of sparked a new kind of romance between us. Solely with our words we expressed our love for one another. As time went on the letters became more and more romantic and deeper in sentiment, at times Elvis would have me blushing and giggling from his words.

But words can only do so much. Aunt Brenda was still punishing me, I was still grounded completely. She could see I was getting restless and even picked me up from the diner now because she was worried I would run off to see Elvis without her knowing.

Aunt Brenda said, "Kristin, would you come to join me tonight for some dessert?" I nodded she then put her pie down to fetch me a plate.

As I bit ino the sweet pasting crust, she turned up the radio and smiled at me lighting a cigarette. I sat silent acting like I was listening to the show with her, wondering about how I was going to have her lessen my punishment.

She laughed at one of the host's jokes and ashed her cigarette in the little metal ashtray she carried with her all around the house. Then suddenly the host broke into advertisements and she turned the volume down. "Baby doll you don't have an appetite or something? You barely touched your pie!"

I nodded, "No Aunt Brenda its really yummy, but I wanted to ask you something." She exhaled a cloud of smoke above her head, "Yes honey?" I then handed her a photo of Elvis and me. She smiled gently at it, "You looked so pretty that morning, Elvis was proud having you on his arm."

I nodded adding, "I really miss him Aunt Brenda, a lot I have kept to my word and he wrote to me he isn't grounded no more and knows I still aint allowed to see him and he has kept his distance." She twisted the photo in between her fingers, "Mmhmm..."

I shrugged, "I miss him so badly I've been writing letters to him and I just can't stand it no more... is it okay if I see him tomorrow sometime, I mean one day is all I'm asking, I'll do any chore you ask me for one day with Elvis."

She handed me my photo back, "Baby doll, I think that can be done." I wasn't expecting her answer and gasped, "Really?" She nodded "Yes, but... in return for your privileges of bring able to see him again, I want you to help me scrub the walls and clean every picture frame in this house."

She smirked, "Now don't pout Kristin, its not that ad... so do we have a deal?" I sighed walking over to give her a hug to seal the deal. She laughed turning up her radio show, "You can call him tonight if you'd like to just use the phone in my bedroom so I can finish my show in peace." I smiled giddy sprinting into her room.

I dove into Aunt Brenda's fluffy queen sized mattress causing some of her knickknacks to rattle. I then picked up the reciever of the black phone she had on her nightstand and dialed the Presley's number.

The operator connected me and a female voice answered, "Hello, this is the Presley's residence." I giggled, "Hello Mrs.Presley, this is Kristin, is Elvis home?" Mrs. Presley laughed, "I should've known it was you Kristin with that little giggle of yours, its been a while hun how are you?"

I answered a few little questions catching up with Mrs.Presley a bit when she said, "Well look at me talking your ear off, I know you didn't call for me honey. I'll see if Elvis is in his room." I waited a moment hearing Mrs.Presley call Elvis' name then suddenly the phone cracked and Elvis' voice came through making my heart flutter, "Hello, Kristin?"

I laughed, bitting my lip, "Hey baby how are you?" Elvis sighed, "I really missed the sound of your voice Kristin... I miss you baby, are you off the hook now or what?" I shrugged, "Well... yes and no, Aunt Brenda told me I could see you again but I have to do nasty chores on Sunday in repay." I told him about scrubbing the walls and knickknacks.

He laughed, "Oh that's a doozy baby and all just to see me? I feel kinda special." He said in this funny hick accent that sounded like a hillbilly cartoon. "Oh shutup Elvis Presley, so are you going to make my punishment worth while... what do you wanna do tomorrow?"

I could almost feel his smile as he said, "Baby it don't matter whatwe do ,whereever we are as long as I'm with you I'll be the happiest guy alive." I was silent a moment twisting the phone cord in my fingers when I finally whispered, "I want to see you now..."

He then whispered back, "I know, just listening to your voice is driving me crazy Kristin... I need you baby." I blushed. "I need you too..." I glanced into the living room Aunt Brenda was still preoccupied and continued, "Just sneak over baby... no one will catch us."

He was silent a long moment like he was in thought, "No baby... I don't mean nothin by it, I really want to, but I can't jeopardize not seeing you again... understand?" I pouted, a little tear of disappointment escaping the corner of my eye, "Okay I think I can make it another night without you... just promise me you'll be here in the morning so we can make up for it." He laughed softly, "Sure thing honey, you go to bed and have sweet dreams." I smiled, "Okay baby you too, goodnight I love you." He whispered back softly, "I love you more, goodnight."

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