Chapter 4

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I had nightmares again; I could feel the asphalt on my skin and the way my attacker had kissed me hard against my closed mouth. The smell of sweat and cigarettes, I jolted up shivering and scared reliving the incident.

I wanted to talk to Aunt Brenda about it, but it would be too painful for her to hear. So I just kept it to myself hoping everything would go back to normal in my head. I gently settled back down, my body shaking with fear.

Then I forced my eyes shut, imagining Elvis' arms around me holding me tightly, protecting me and making everything better.

The next day Aunt Brenda asked me to help her clean the house inside and out. I was outside pulling weeds from the front garden beds; though we lived in a government assisted home we tried to make the best of it.

As I procedded in my work, the mailman came walking up to our letter box, with a nod of his head I stood and took a small handful of mail from him, "Thanll you..." I then shuffled through the enevelopes leaving streaks of soil on the fronts.

I then caught sight of my one and only best friend's handwriting, Sherrie had written me a post card from Kentucky, she went there every summer to spend time and vacation with family. As I read her note wiping sweat from my brow I heard boyish laughter.

I looked up and saw Elvis chasing his cousin to the front of the house yelling a curse word. I blushed and giggled when I heard Gladys call, "Elvis Aaron Presley, what did I just here come from your lips?" Elvis' cousin Gene cried out in laughter as Elvis hollered back, "Nothin mama."

He then reached over and punched Gene in the arm as hard as he could. I giggled when suddenly Elvis spotted me. I looked an absoloute sight; my hair all pushed up at the back of my neck wearing my aunts gardening gloves and visor and her faded pair of overalls.

But I just stood there frozen as he leaned on the fence. He glided his hand along the side of his head putting some stray strands of hair back in their place, "You still up for our date later?"

I giggled trying to hide my face devoid of makeup, "Yes. I am really looking forward to it actually." He nodded looking towards his hands as he wrung them, "I was wonderin what do you wanna do?" I shrugged heading toward the porch, "Anything would be fine I heard the double feature at the drive-in tonight is a good one."

He followed me, not going past the gate, "Okay so 6 still?" I nodded pulling the visor of the hat down love, "Yep, sounds good." His cousin called, "Hey, you gonna come fishin with me or not E?" He hollered back. "Yeah would ya wait a sec!"

He then looked back at me,"See you soon Kristin" I nodded, "Yep see you soon." He starred another moment and ran off as his cousin handed him a fishing rod and tackle box and took off toward the street.

As I powdered my nose and lined my lips, I searched my closet for something cute to wear. My choice was a mintgreen sundress that Aunt Brenda had made for me with a little black bird pattern on the hem.

As soon as Aunt Brenda finished tying the bow at my waist a knock came to the door. My heart was racing as Aunt Brenda answered. Elvis was standing in the screen door wearing a patterned short-sleeved shirt and a pair of black slacks with black and white shoes, and his hair greased back with a little curl in the front.

I smiled at him as he greeted Aunt Brenda, "Hello ma'am I'm here to pick up Kristin for the evening." Aunt Brenda nodded ashing her cigarette,"Okay Elvis Presley, you take good care of her and be sure to have her back home at a reasonable time, you hear?"

Elvis nodded being very polite, "Yes ma'am I promise you." Aunt Brenda then looked back at me as I approached the door. Elvis opened the door for me, his blue eyes sparkled as he took my arm.

I knew Aunt Brenda was watching us as he guided me back to his house, but I didn't look back, I was too excited looking at Elvis ans admiring him. He stroked my hand that was settled in the crook of his arm, "Kristin you look really pretty tonight, you just took my breath away."

I blushed, "Thank you... you look really handsome as well." He shook his head, "I aint nothin compared to how beautiful you are." I laughed, "Stop!" He guided me to the passenger side of his daddys truck.

A song came on the radio as we approached the drive-in, "Oh I love this song..." he turned it up slightly I was then completely taken back as he began to sing. I was silent listening to his beautiful voice so clearly outdoing the gospel trio singing on the radio.

He then pulled into the line for the drive-in, turning down the radio, he laughed looking at me. I composed my astonished features. After that I didn't want to watch a movie any more I just wanted to listen to Elvis sing.

**Hey guys this is my first fanfiction! Please let me know what you think about it and feel free to leave any suggestions for future stories!**

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