Chapter 17

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We bought a few more snacks and headed over to the Levitt Shell where it looked like a good act was on because people were dancing and singing along.

Elvis and I took a seat in the grass; Elvis had even laid his favorite satin jacket down for me to sit on so my blue pants wouldn't get ruined with dirt and grass stains. As we shared popcorn and a soft pretzel the little country band on stage continued their list of songs that any good southern boy and girl would know.

Then they began to play one of Aunt Brenda's favorites "Kisses Sweeter than Wine" I tapped my hands along with the banjo when Elvis whispered the first verse in my ear; I blushed as he sang so deeply and emotionally to me.

We ended up in each other's arms in the grass kissing ad hugging, playfully wrestling here and there. Elvis was on top of me looking deeply into my eyes stroking the sides of my face when we both looked up as a loud "psssttt!" disturbed us.

A woman with a face contorted in disgusted anger scream whispered, "I have my children here you two, find a room... that is not such thing to do in public!" I blushed as Elvis pecked me on the lips despite of the woman's scolding and we sat back up to watch a few more songs.

As the evening progressed it was becoming colder, I no longer cared about ruining my pants and pulled Elvis' jacket over my shoulders. He held me close and whispered after a while, "Do you want to head home now?" I nodded and we both made out towards the truck.

When we arrived back at Elvis' play Mrs.Presley was started on dinner and of course I was invited to join. While she was preparing the meal Elvis and I went into his room.

He didn't have too much he spent most of his money on clothes anymore and listened to most of his music on the radio instead of buying albums. his walls were mainly bare but I spotted the photo Aunt Brenda had given him on his nightstand.

His closet was a little messy and his bed undone I sat on the quilts as he retrieved his guitar from under his bed. Continuing the fun from the hair he tuned it a bit and began to sing "Kisses Sweeter than Wine" again. I listened smiling at him as he played, he didn't know the song very well only playing by memory so it was a little clumsy but it was still endearing.

After finishing the song he placed his guitar to the side and slid closer to me on the bed. I smiled shyly at him as he stroked my cheek with the back of his fingers, "You're so pretty Kristin..." I blushed as he leaned in and kissed me gently on the lips, I then kissed him back.

He then held me closer to him, wrapping his arms around me, my hand on his chest. As we continued to look longingly into one another's eyes sharing tender and mellow kisses Mrs.Presley called for us.

I squeezed myself out of his tight embrace and teasingly skipped out to the dining room, looking over my shoulder he had a little playful smirk on his lips as he followed. He went to grab my behind when I squealed playfully before he could.

Mrs.Presley rolled her eyes, "Leave that girls behind alone!" Elvis laughed, "Sorry Momma, but she was teasing me!" She looked at me shaking a wooden spoon, "Now, now shortnin' you made me holler at my sweet boy or nothin?" of course this was all a game so I giggled, "Well... he isn't as innocent as he puts off to be Momma Presley." she nodded in agreement, "Yes that is true..."

Elvis was finishing off the last bit of dumplings when I began to clear the table and clean dishes when I asked Mrs.Presley, "Is it alright if Elvis comes over to my house to watch some television Momma Presley?"
Mrs.Presley wrung her hands in her apron, "I don't see any harm in that shortnin' just as long as you guys keep track of time..." she turned to Elvis, "We have to be at church in the morning honey... so keep that in mind." He nodded, "Yes ma'am." He kissed and hugged his mother goodbye and we headed over to my place.

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