Chapter 6

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After our first date, Elvis and I began to go out regulary. He would even visit me at work sometimes with his cousin Gene, friends or sometimes just by himself. We would sit on his porch and talk for hours and sometimes sneak off and kiss like crazy.

I was really happy with the situation I had found myself in. Elvis had even began calling me his girl, but it wasn't yet official in my mind. Elvis still hadn't given any hint of asking me to go steady with him and I was getting a little antsy. I just wanted some kind of commitment from him, I really just wanted him to be mine.

One evening I was walking home Elvid had asked me to join him and his folks for dinner and I was in a hurry not to be late.

As I walked down the sidewalk the sun was beginning to get lower in the sky. I sighed lighting a cigarette, I hid this little habit of mine from Aunt Brenda... it wasn't something I did on a regular basis but still if she saw a cigarette in my mouth she would have a cow.

As I exhaled I felt an itchy feeling on my skin, chills began to travel down my spine in waves. I shivered like a cold wind had passed through me I glanced around like someone was watching me.

I then heard a truck beginning to pull up beside me. I didn't pay much attention to it and finally stopped when a voice called to me. I then looked at the driver, my heart stopped, my cigarette falling on the pavement. I knew I had seen him, I knew I had seen this truck before, I did reconize him somehow, but now more so than any other time I had seen him.

His eye was still blackened from so many weeks ago, all from Elvis' punches the night this man tried to attack me. I was frozen for a moment as he chuckled, "Remember me?"

A single tear rolled down my cheek from fear and he was the one haunting my nightmares when he lodged the truck into park. I then forced my feet to run as fast as I could. I could hear his voice hollering from behind me, "Hey c'mere you lil whore."

I was running, sprinting... my chest was burning; tears were stinging my eyes I was completely terrified. I tripped and fell onto the concrete, the skin on my knees becoming ragged I struggled to my feet again and hopped a fence into the courts.

As I ran I fell into someones front yard the lawn cool on my skin. I knew I had lost him, but I continued to sob in the grass. As I did so I heard Elvis' voice, "Kristin!" I rolled my head over and saw him running towards me from up the street.

He lifted me up from the ground, "Baby, what the hell happened to you?" I held him a moment trying to compose myself, "Kristin, c'mon talk!" I shook my head and finally looked up into his concerned face, "That guy who attacked me that one night he followed me... he just followed me walking home from work."

Elvis' face immediatly contorted into anger, "Did he hurt you?" I shook my head, "No, I ran... just ran as fast as I could and I fell and hurt my knees pretty good." Elvis shook his head holding me tightly and lifting my body into his arms. "C'mon baby, I think mama can try and fix you up."

I sat in a chair in the kitchen as Mrs.Presley bandaged my knees, "Wow honey you shouldn't be running like that on the sidewalks, a plate of chicken and tatters aren't worth scabbed knees." I laughed; she slapped my thigh, "Oh you giggling all the time, I think that should do you good for a while."

I went into the bathroom quickly pulling back my hair and fixing what little makeup was left on my face. I then headed out into the living room, Mr.Presley was reading the paper, he didn't talk to me much but he lowered his gaze from the font, "He's outside waiting for you darlin." I thanked him and headed out on the front porch.

Elvis was sitting on the front step and I quickly joined him tucking my arm around his. He smiled at me but it quickly faded as he tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear, "Kristin, why haven't you told your aunt about that guy, now that you know what he looks like he could go to jail and wont bother you no more."

I sighed, "Yeah I think so too, but I just don't want to burden her no more than she already is... I mean she didn't ask for me, my mom just gave me up and she was the one who took a stand and took me in when shes had nothing herself her whole life."

Elvis nodded, "Yeah, but that means she loves you and she wants to protect you no matter what... plus I don't want anything happening to you ever!!" I blushed as he squeezed my hand them emotions of concern coming from him were a little overwhelming.

I sighed, my heart began to hurt, but I made up my mind I was going to tell Aunt Brenda that night. I told Elvis and he just smiled at me his blue eyes glistening, "Thank you Kristin!" He then leaned over and gently pecked my lips, as he went for another kiss Mrs.Presley called us in for dinner.

After the meal I helped Gladys clear the table as Elvis finished off the last of the mashed potatoes and handed me the pot to clean. As he did so he ran his hand through his dark blonde hair, "Can you meet me out back on the garden bench after you get done?" I nodded wiping a plate, "Sure."

After dishes I did as Elvis has asked. He was sitting on a little bench in the backyard. He was wringing his hands, tapping his feet. The screen door shut a little loudly with a clang behind me and he turned sharply my way.

I smiled gently at his face a bit nervous shadowed by the setting sun, "Kristin come and sit with me would ya?" As I took my seat beside him on the bench he gently took my hand in his, "Kristin, you're a really special girl, your funny and sweet and you look like an angel that has come to earth." I blushed as he squeezed my fingers and he continued in my silence, "Kristin, you make me feel things in my heart, things I've never felt with any girl before."

I nodded in reply to all this, my heart in my throat, "Kristin...I thank I'm falling in love with you." I blushed as he retrieved something from his back pocket... he opened my palm and placed something metal inside, "That's my only ring Kristin, its a gold band with my name on it, I want you to wear it, I want you to be my steady girl baby."

I shook my head clenching the ring in my palm squeaking, "Of course Elvis!" He then hugged me tightly. I hugged him back he then suddenly consumed my lips. I immediatly kissed him back overjoyed; he gently laid me down on the bench his hands caressing my neck, kissing me intimately and sincerely.

I shievered as he teased my lips with his tongue. I knew I wasn't his first girlfriend, he wouldn't know how to kiss like this without a little practice and well, I had always noticed him with a couple girlfriends before me in school.

I even remembered seeing one of his little girlfriends break up with him, he showed a bit of a temper ripping up a picture of her in the hallway at school, hollering at her and slamming her locker shut with such a force I thought it ws going to fall off the hinges.

But I wasn't going to do that to him. I knew heart break is the worst kind of way a girl can feel it and I wasn't about to do that to Elvis. He continued to kiss me and I opened my mouth for him, for our kisses to deepen when I heard Mrs.Presley call from the kitchen, "Anyone want cake?"

Elvis slowly separated his mouth from mne whispering against me lips, "Want cake or something?" I laughed, "I suppose so..." I guess the saying was true about the way to a mans heart was through his stomach, as he helped me from the bench to head back inside for the actual dessert.

**Sorry for updating so much, I am still on Spring Break and I'm not doing anything. Hope you like the story so far! Be sure to vote and leave any suggestion ideas for future stories!**

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