Chapter 9

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The full moon hung above us as he strummed his guitar and I listened, it had taken a couple of weeks for us to get back to normal after our little blow up even with his late night apology, but I felt that we had a deeper understanding of one another through the experience.

We were borh scared in a way, niether of us had this kind of relationship before, we both really cared for each other... we loved each other. As I ashed my cigarette looking out at the glittering water of the river Elvis asked, "Kristin, you got dreams baby, dont you?"

My goal, my dream wasn't to become my mother, a small tear rolled down my face because I felt like sometimes I was my mom deep down. Elvis dropped his guitar and wrapped his arms around me, "Baby whats wrong?" I wiped my eyes, "My dream is to be happy and not be my mom."

Elvis and I drove to the center of town where they were going to be holding a huge Fourth of July fireworks show; we were almost late after having a big long talk at our river spot.

The courts was also holding a block party, Elvis and I were there a bit early, spending time with family and friends but snuck off in the truck to have time alone.

I sat close to him; we had a horrible spot in the back. We awaited the show; he held my hand tightly as I laid my head on his chest. I listened to his heartbeat then suddenly a loud explosion cracked the air and I quickly looked into the sky to see the beautiful colors illuminate he sky and fall towards us.

Elvis was talking but I wasn't really listening I could only feel the viberations of his words from his chest as he spoke. This moment was so perfect and I didn't want any of it to end. I smelled the aroma of his cigar as he lit it and had his hand dangling outside the window, as he sung a song I allowed my hand to sneak past the button of his shirt.

I could feel his skin rise in goosebumps as I did so, he laughed, "Honey, what are you doing?" I shrugged, "I really don't know."

He laughed, I loved his laugh, "Aint you gonna look at the fireworks?" I glanced up at him and he smiled down at me, he was better than any firework in the sky that night. Slowly his smile melted away and as he looked deeply into my eyes he leaned down closing his lips around mine.

In the midst of the festivities in the darkness of his truck I was in the backseat. Occasionally bursts of low color gently illumated us. I breathed hard, my heart racing, he was nervous shaking as his hands fumbled about my waist.

With a few nervous steps he took them gently as I guided him. Then in a small moment I gasped and exhaled in slow ecstasy as he allowed a slow moan to escape him. Our breaths fogged the windows of the truck as we enjoyed one another.

I shivered as he kised my neck and breathed hard against my flush skin atop me. Suddenly I felt him shutter as my heart raced with all my pent up emotion, need, and want of him finally coming to fruition. We didn't hold back as our bodies pushed into one another unabatedly when finally our short moment of pure bliss struck us like lightning.

We slumped into each other and he was still shaking slightly as his fingers entwined with mine, "Kristin...I-I don't know what to say." I blushed still breathing hard, "I love you Elvis!" With a flushed face and swollen lips from my kisses he pressed them against my forehead and we lay there a long moment in loving silence.

He drove quiet holding my hand tightly as I laid my head against his chest. Our relationship had changed, we had been intimate the closest way two people could be. I finally felt complete, Elvis made me happy, he made my dreams come true and I was going to do everything to make him happy and help him with his dreams no matter the cost, I was hopelessly devoted.

***Its funny how dreams can change...***

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