Chapter 5

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Elvis finally found a spot way in the back. The drive-in was pretty busy with it being Saturday night and a special double feature.

I rolled down my window to let Elvis place the speaker on the edge of the glass, as he looked in concentration I giggled and he fumbled, dropping the car speaker on the ground.

He hid his embarrasment behind his shirt collar pulling it above the reddening skin of his neck, "I'm gonna go and get popcorn want anything special?" I shook my my head, "No, um wait maybe a shake if they have them."

I opened my purse and fixed my hair and put on another layer of pink lipstick. As I sat patiently waiting I smiled as Elvis approached the car with a big bucket of popcorn and two drinks in his arms.

He opened the door and I placed the popcorn on my lap, from there the giant screen flickered and a few people hollered for others to get back into their cars, the movie was starting. I didn't even know who was in the first film alone what it was about, Elvis and me were talking the whole time.

I snort laughed and he mocked me. I blushed covering my face as he continued to mock me so I threw a handful of popcorn at him.

He then threw a handful back, I laughed loudly as we had a mini-food fight, popcorn kernels were flying everywhere. He then grabbed my wrists laughing and pulling at me. I screamed, "No, hahaha stop it!" He pulled me closer to him and I screamed as he growled playfully, "You're gonna pay for that baby!"

I couldn't breathe I was having so much fun, I hadn't been so open and so comfortable with someone like this in such a long time. Elvis was a special guy, there was just something about him.

For the second feature Elvis and I calmed down a bit. I sat at one end of the car and he sat on the other; quiet.

I looked over at him, he had his arm outside the window and I could hear his fingers tapping the side of the door as he watched the movie quiet, picking at his lower lip.

I then slowly made my way closer to him. I scooted across the middle seat till my hip touched his, I then gently placed my head on his chest, my hands tightly folded in my lap. My heart was racing, but his was even, he was too intent on the film to notice me.

Then I suddenly felt his arm wrap around my shoulder, holding me to him, his fingers squeezing my bicep slightly showing me his acknowlegment. I smiled at this little gesture and sat curled up content in his arms for the rest of the movie.

After the movie Elvis threw the trash out the window looking at the floorboard shaking his head, "I gotta clean our mess up before my daddy see it, he'll flip." I moved my feet around the kernels, "It was funny though/" He rolled his eyes, "Yeah its all fun and games till your father hangs you by your ankles for making a mess of his baby."

We were relatively quiet the rest of the way home. He seemed nervous, there was tension in the air and I was getting anxious. Was I not what he expected me to be? Was he disappointed in having wasted an evening on me? He stopped a few paces away from my house, turning off all the lights of the truck. He was talking to me but I was too busy thinking to hear him.

I turned to him. "Sorry, what?" He bit his lower lip and sighed, "Kristin, I asked...asked if I could kiss you goodnight?"

After a moment of awkward silence I whispered, "Yes" He then suddenly inched closer to me in the darkness of the truck; all the hair on my body was standing on end as his fingers gently caressed my neck playing with my hair a little, I allowed my eyes to close as he slowly pressed his full lips onto mine gently and sweetly.

I wasn't planning on kissing him back, but I did. He then kissed me again and me him. Not even realizing he soon had me wrapped up in his arms and our kisses were becoming deeper. My mouth opening slightly I could taste him, he tasted so wonderful.

I giggled when he playfully nibbled on my bottom lip and then quickly trailed kisses up my jaw to my ear. My arms wrapped themselves around his neck as I kissed his face and when I reached his ear I whispered things and in reply his arms held tighter around my waist.

He laughed, "You're a damn good kisser Kristin!" I giggled playing and teasing his lips with my own when I saw the lights to my house flash on. I snickered as Elvis' head whirled around, "Oh no your aunt is gonna see us." I ran my hand through his hair, "I guess we should call it a night?"

He groaned then had the largest puppy dog eyes, "I don't wanna say goodnight." I hugged him tightly. "Thank you Elvis. I had a really fun time." He hugged me back gently, his fingers playing along my neck, "Me too Kristin, I wanna take you out again sometime." I nodded still in his embrace, "I would love that" He looked me in the eyes and I leaned over kissing him on the cheek, "Okay, gotta go!"

As I made my way to the porch he started his truck and backed down the street to his house. I stood there till I saw the lights of his living room come on. I saw his silouette in the window when Aunt Brenda hollered at me, "Well, are you going to come in here and tell me about your date or not?" I shook my head turning around towards the door calling, "Okay comin"

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