Doesn't Effect Us So Why Care?

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The following 48 hours feels hetic even though I am mostly in bed.

My mum, Paul and Dr. Ada have in meetings with management about where things are going from here. The lads have had three interviews already talking about me and confirming the Carrier claims. Ruth, and Andy have been my my side helping me though the cramps, nausea and everything else that has come along with it. Paddy has loyally stayed by my hospital room door making sure that nobody that could harm me gets close enough to do anything to me. Sophia disapeared shortly after coming to see me for the first time saying she had a family emergency. Zayn has been skeptical of her ever sense.

"I feel like a robot repeating things over and over," Niall groans flopping himself down across my legs on my bed. 

"The interviews are that bad?" I ask him raising an eyebrow smiling.

"YES! They just ask the same questions over and over again. Then when we leave the fans ask the same questions and then Twitter is full of the same questions. It's horrible! If we answer it once that should be enough!" Niall continues to whine as he takes the remote from my hand and steals a cracker from my small tray of food.

"Keep your hands out of his food, Horan. He needs it more than you do. Liam finish that soup, water and crackers. If you don't I'll take that TV remote so NOBODY is watching TV," Ruth glares pointedly at Niall making him look at her innocently his blue eyes twinkling. 

I slowly eat the rest of my chicken noodle soup and crackers being cautious of the nausea that always seems to be threatening to rise. 

By the time I am finished the rest of the lads have joined us and as well as my very furious mum, doctor and Paul.

"They want him to be back on tour tomorrow! He can barely even keep his food down! They are just going to try to make as much money off this as they can! Watch next they'll ask him to have sex with one of the boys so he can get pregnant and make even more headlines! They're not doing that to my baby! Oh hell no! If he is leaving this hospital tomorrow it is to get back on a plane to fly back home where he will stay with me!" my mum rambles angrily as she paces the length of my room.

"I'm not signing off on him leaving this hospital. He can't leave unless I sign off and unless they are holding a gun to my child's head he isn't going anywhere. He still needs to be monitored until at least his ovaries are settled," Dr. Ada adds in looking equally as pissed off.

"I already told Simon if they make him continue right now that I quit. I'm not letting him go on when he is in so much pain that it makes it hard for him to sleep at night!" Paul adds on his fist clenched in anger.

"Um can we stop talking about me like I'm not in the room?" I ask handing my tray over to a now very pissed off Ruth a part of me is scared that she will track down somebody of management and use it on them.

"Sorry, sweetheart. Are you doing okay?" my mum asks her facial expression instantly softening like somebody had flipped a switch.

"Yeah just sore. I can go back on tour if they really want, I mean it's not that big of a deal. I'm doing better than I was yesterday and I'm off that stupid IV. I'll just take things easy. There is no need to get all worked up about it. I'll be fine," I protest hoping to take some of the stress off them.

"YOU ARE NOT LEAVING THAT BED LIAM JAMES!" my mum snaps at me narrowing her eyes dangerously. 

I sink into the pillows my cheeks going red from embarressment and anger. I'm 21 I can take care of myself.

"She's right, Li. You're not ready to go anywhere. It's only been 24 hours and your body is still trying to get through the transition. Not to mention the pain that is sure to come with you being a Clover," Andy so kindly reminds me.

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