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Liam's POV

A month has gone by sense I found out everything that had happened. The four of us still travel and sleep in  the medical bus with all the protective things up. Melissa had laid out two cots for two of the boys to sleep on with sleeping bags. Harry or Louis sleep with me each night on my hospital bed. Melissa and Dr. Ada sleep behind a curtain where their beds and personal belongings are. We stop to do a show and we keep going. Nobody has let us even do interviews right now wanting things to die down first.

Security has been beefed up A LOT. I seem to meet a new one everyday and I have noticed that they have ear pieces in their ears,and guns strapped to their sides. They are all really formal. They address the boys has Mr. Horan, Mr. Tomlinson or Mr. Styles, and they call me the Prize, Gift or even just Carrier. It kind of freaks me out, but I don't argue for sometimes it seems my opinion is just a shout in a abyss. All of them are all really muscular, have their hair buzz cut or in the few that are women have their hair in tight buns. They all dress in black as though they are trying to blend in with the shadows. I am always shadowed by Paddy unless on stage or in the bus, but he sleeps on the bus on a cot closest to the door with his gun safely by his side.

Even at concerts the security is tighter. Some fans have even complained about it on Twitter also commenting on how the security is a lot more cold. They have tried to get a whole of management to get to the bottom of what is going on but it's not management signing these guards' checks. When one of us have asked in the past they always reply with the same answer, "We are not permitted to tell you that information." Niall swears they're robots, Louis says they're former American marines, and Harry thinks they're soldiers from all over the world that are trained to protect Carriers and paid by their own governments to keep us, or specifically the twins and I safe. Whoever they are they sure are serious about their jobs.

I currently sit in my little hospital bed with a laptop (they took our phones away) searching the internet for anything I can find about Carriers and this man that has been alive sense 1894.

Typing in the simple word 'Carriers' brings up millions of articles and there are many about me or that have my name mentioned. There are images of me when I was pregnant with the twins, being pregnant now, protests for Carrier rights, pregnant men in chains, Carriers in hospitals cuffed to the bed and hooked up to various types of machines having test run on them, some Carriers walking with royal families, being 'owned' by rich men, and wearing Carrier's rings or bracelets that are tattooed onto their skin saying they are owned by somebody or some company.

I quickly back space that and type in "Carrier immortality". Immediately  pictures of a man fill my screen. He is young, healthy, and handsome. He never looks really happy though in most of the pictures and I can't blame him. In every picture there is a bracelet around his wrist reading "property of Donum Inc." and there is a little red glowing light in the bracelet that makes me believe it is a tracking device. He is only smiling a bright smile in three pictures: 1) When he is pictured with  two children that look around eight and twelve 2) When he stands next to a businessman in a tux that looks vaguely familiar 3) When he is pictured heavily pregnant years ago with that same businessman holding him close. Everywhere else this man looks miserable. I come to learn his name is Alexander. They never mention a last name.

I next google "Donum Inc.". Pictures of well dressed people in suits, and doctor gear appear. It says they specialize in Carriers, and these Carriers they "care for" are carefully selected but that is all. No location, no names, no information on what they exactly do, no information on who funds them, and no contact info but what I do find is conspiracy sites. They all talk of their experiments on Carriers and how they sell them. They also talk of Alexander and how he was taken the week his transition began back in September 18, 1917. It tells of how Alexander is their Star Carrier and how they gave him the serum through food, water and injections that have made him a "Fountain of Youth". It then speaks of them looking for another Star Carrier, rumors saying they have found one with all the right qualities in a young Carrier and some saying the Donum would risk anything to retrieve this new Star Carrier. Most recent postings say they have already given the serum to him and just need to collect him. There is a list of names on all the sites with possible new Star Carriers, many of the names crossed out and of the remaining four I only recognize one, my own. The sites all say they must find these four Carriers and make sure, especially if they have the serum already implanted in them , they are safe and protected. None of the sites wanting the new Star Carrier in Donum hands.

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