Reasons Why

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Twins 1 year 8 months

Elisa 6 months

(I'm going to put these before each chapter so there is no confusion on the babies' ages. I know I get confused even sometimes.)

Liam's POV

"Are you sure you're feeling well enough?" Harry asks me for the third time this morning.

"Harry, it's been three weeks. I'm fine," I assure him as I pull my pants up button and zipping them up. I don't dare mention my headache.

"I still don't like that you're going. I think you should stay here with the babies and I. We'll have a movie night and play some games with the babies. Then we'll snuggle up into bed and I'll make love to you," Zayn whispers in my ear coming up behind me. His hands go over my bare upper half and kisses my neck gently. 

"I never get to go out though," I pout snuggling into his embrace. 

"Elisa will need her feedings," he reminds me running his hands along my hips. 

"I'll feed her before I leave and we'll be back by noon. She'll be fine," I reply grabbing his hands before they can reach my waistline. I slip away from him pulling my shirt on. I button up my white button up shirt all the way except for the top three.

Harry has finished getting dressed and wears black jeans along with a snazy red button down shirt. He of course has it only half way button up. He wouldn't be Harry if it was button up all the way. Cries over the baby monitor makes me jump. I hurry over to the monitor screen and see that Elisa is up. 

I hurry out of the room and into Elisa's. I pick her up out of her crib holding her close. 

"Shh, you're okay baby girl. Are you hungry?" I ask her lifting up my six month old daughter and kissing her nose. Lifting her up I notice the nasty smell. She definitely need a diaper change. 

I carry her over to the changing table. I lay her down on her back. She is kicking and screaming. I grab her legs unbuttoning her pjs. I remove her diaper and quickly get off the poopy diaper. Cleaning her all up I put a clean diaper on her. She has stopped screaming and kicking she now looks up at me with wide green eyes her fingers in her mouth.

"Come on pretty girl. Let's get you your breakfast," I tell her lifting her up. I settle down in the living room and unbutton my shirt again. As soon as my nipple is in her view she is latched on sucking away.

Louis comes out of the twin's room with Jeremiah in his arms and Luke toddling behind him holding onto his Papa's pants. 

"Morning Luke and Jeremiah," I smile at my sons. Luke lets go of Louis' pants. He waddles over to me at the fastest speed his little legs can carry him. 

"Am!" he yells his hands resting on the cushions of the couch as he pushes himself up onto it. I kiss the top of his head wrapping my free arm around him. 

"Wuv you, Am," he says snuggling into me.

"I love you too, Luke," I smile giving him an Eskimo careful to not stir Elisa. 

The elevator goes off signaling the arrival of somebody. When the doors open Heather, Dr. Winchester, Julius, Robert and David step out. 

Heather hurries off to the kitchen to start breakfast only giving me a quick smile in greeting. 

"Good morning, Mr. Tomlinson and Mr. Styles," Julius greets nodding to my new husbands that are in the room.

"Is she still feeding, Little One?" Dr. Winchester asks me coming over to my side. 

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