Birthday Surprise

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Liam's POV

"Liam....babe....wake up," the soft tickle of Zayn's whispers in my ear wakes me from my dozy slumber. Ever sense the babies have discovered how to kick they have started to kick A LOT and I always end up having to go to the bathroom and waking up in the middle of the night from a rude little kick. Zayn thinks it's adorable and the lads are always touching my belly wanting to feel," up..." Zayn continues to whisper in my ear nibbling at it playfully and leaving a trail of kisses down my neck.

"I'm awake...are we already there?" I grumble still not really awake and also lost in the pleasure of having him nibbling on my neck.

"No, but I have something for you," he whispers a smile in his voice.

"Okay, but let me pee first," I reply giving in for the little movements in my belly tell me I'm not going to be going back to sleep anytime soon. Zayn helps me get out of my bunk and stand up. I stretch with a sigh and my t-shirt climbs up so that a part of my tummy is exposed. This and the little noise that escapes my lips makes Zayn chuckle. He seems to think everything I do is adorable, but to me it all feels awkward and clumsy.

I slip into the bathroom quickly doing my business before joining Zayn again back by the bunks. It's then that the smell hits me. The smell of pancakes, eggs, fresh fruit (STRAWBERRIES!!!!) and hash browns.

Zayn leads me over to the booth and has me sit down. I can see Harry and Louis working in the kitchen together. They are both moving as if they are one person and it reminds me of a married couple. This thought makes me smile.

"I know I didn't make it, but let's face it I'm not the best chef," Zayn admits letting me snuggle into his side as he takes his seat beside me.

"But you remembered no bacon and LOTS of strawberries," I reply eager to get them strawberries over here. I have been craving them for the past week, but Zayn and Niall got tired of having to stop to get strawberries all the I was grounded from strawberries. To say that I have been pouting a lot for the past week would not be a lie.

"Liam, I don't think anybody can forget your damn strawberries. The entire crew knows by now that you love them and I think even Trisha and your mum know to have them on stock for when you come home to visit them," Louis grumbles making me stick my tongue out at him childishly.

Much to my delight Harry brings over a bowl of cut up strawberries. I happily take several pieces popping them in my mouth. I groan in pleasure at the sweet taste.

"It seems Liam likes strawberries better than you," Niall laughs at Zayn making my cheeks flush.

Louis places a plate of food in front of me along with a glass of orange juice, milk and my medication. I chow down on the food loving the feeling of the soft pancakes on my tongue and crispy hash browns.

"They fans are still begging for Zayn to get back on stage. Some of their tweets are just awesome," Niall comments sitting down across from me with his own plate of food.

"He might as well be in the band. He's traveling with us and goes with us everywhere," Harry comments and I can feel Zayn tense beside me. This has been a topic that has been brought up often and has come to be a very sensitive topic that always ends in screaming fights, which I really don't want on my birthday.

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