Sweet Oblivion

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Liam's POV

3 months.

3 entire months we have stayed at the cabin.

It hasn't been horrible but it hasn't been wonderful either. Trisha and Jay left a couple of weeks after arriving. They had their families to get back to, but they promised to see me soon. I have missed my mum and sisters. Every night I am left to wonder what ever happened to Ruth, my imagination running wild and waking me from horrible dreams.

Melissa, Niall and Zayn make the runs into town. I am forbidden from even stepping outside the doors, let alone going into town.

Jeremiah and Lucas have grown up so much already. They're starting to sit up on their own and have been making cute baby language sounds.

When Zayn and Niall leave with Melissa, Harry and Louis stay behind to help me take care of the twins and make sure there are no trespassers.

"Liam we should really stay here. I know you want to go back and continue on with life like normal but we have to think about the twins," Zayn continues to plead with me even as I pack up the things in the nursery with Jeremiah sitting between my legs sucking on a pacifier. I fold up little onesies placing them neatly in the bags.

"You're being paranoid, babe. Plus management has promised extra security. It's going to be fine," I give him my best smile and can't help but see that he is wavering in his eyes.

"Maybe, but they're going to demand something in return," he continues as he puts toys in suitcases.

"So what. If they want a couple photo shoots or whatever. If it'll keep the twins and I safe and able to live a semi normal life then so be it. Now stop raining on my parade and smile. We're finally free!" I laugh unable to hold in my joy. I'm finally going to be able to go outside and do things again!

Zayn grins at me and comes over pecking my cheek.

"Daddy is going to show you the trees, grass, you're going to meet a ton of people, you're going to travel with all over the world and meet your Grandma Payne and all of your aunts," I babble to Jeremiah and he just looks up at me with wide brown eyes and a silly smile on his face.

"Okay, everything we need from downstairs is packed. I left some canned goods and other little things here just in case," Louis informs us before coming over to my side to kiss my cheek and take the bags I have already packed. He wraps an arm around me and kisses the top of Jeremiah's little fuzzy head before disappearing back out the door with bags now in hand.

Zayn's light mood has disappeared, the light disappearing out of his eyes like somebody flicked a switch.

"What's wrong?" I ask reaching over and touching his thigh, but before he can reply Harry walks in with a crying Lucas on his hip.

"Lucas needs his milk, he's hungry," Harry greets coming over to my side and handing me my crying youngest over to my open arms.

"Aw is my poor baby boy hungry?" I ask him as I adjust myself so he can get his milk.

"Here, why don't we do it in the living room so you're more comfortable. I'll take Jeremiah," Harry says lifting Jeremiah up off the floor making airplane noises which Jeremiah giggles at.

"But I need to help Zayn finish up here," I protest taking in the large pile of things that still need to be packed.

"Zayn, you can get this right?" Harry asks.

"Yeah, I got this," he agrees with a sigh.

"I'm sorry, babe. I'll make it up to you," I promise pecking his lips before following Harry out the door my heart strings being tugged at as I leave my very grumpy looking fiancé.

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