Sleeping Beauty

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Zayn's POV

Can you die from lack of sleep?

If so I have to be almost there. It has been an entire month sense the attempted kidnapping that took place at my mum's house and Liam has been in the hospital sense. He has been in and out of consciousness. When he is awake he's in pain, saying that his stomach hurts. This sent me into a panic, but Dr. Ada assured me there is nothing wrong with the babies. It's the energy from when he had tried to heal Waliyha. The extra energy went back into his body and is making it painful, because of the extra pressure and heat that generates off it. It may be doing no harm to the babies, but it is hurting my Liam. Dr. Ada has explained that all he would need to do is use his gift to get rid of the energy, but he is never conscious long enough to use it.

So, in consequence my worry for him has prevented me from getting any sleep. At the most I get three hours of sleep a night and it is always a restless sleep.

"How many packs of cigarettes do you go through in a day?" Louis asks me as I light a cigarette outside of the hospital entrance.

"I only smoke three or four cigarettes a day?" I argue as I take a drag desperate to relieve some of my nerves.

"That's bull shit and Liam would kill you if he were to see this. You are going to be a father soon and all you can do is smoke , worry and whine? That sounds pretty pathetic to me," Louis says using his sassy, judgemental tone with me.

"You some too," I argue really not wanting the guilt trip right now.

"Actually I quit five months ago with Harry's help. You see Zayn, in order to conquer life's biggest challenges you need to do it together," he replies like he just gave me the solution to all of my life problems.

"Then what were you smoking last night?"

"A joint, but that is different. That is also not the point," he waves away my remark with an eye roll like I am the most oblivious person on the planet.

I don't reply to him right away thinking about what he had said earlier. Conquer life's biggest challenges together. How am I suppose to conquer this with Liam though? He's unconscious.

"What are you suggesting I do?" I finally ask breaking the silence between us.

"Wake him up. Instead of pacing and smoking a pack of cigarettes a day get in there and help him. He needs your help to stay awake long enough to use his gift and to wake up ; you need him to keep you sanity, now go along my little Jedi," he replies waving me off.

"I hate you and you are not Yoda," I grumble letting the cigarette slip from my hands and hit the pavement where I promptly stomp it out.

"There's a fine line between love and hate!" Louis calls after me as I make my way back into the hospital.

I pass the same old nurse around this time every night. She gives me a sympathetic smile, her eyes looking at me as though I am some hopeless case. I hurry on and just give her a quick nod of my head not bothering with a smile.

I come to a stop at room 113 and poke my head in. Waliyha is at her bed packing up the things that have collected over the past month.

"Finally heading home?" I ask stopping to give her a smile and to quickly check in.

"Yeah, Doniya is coming to get me. Mum wants to stay and help Liam," the annoyance and jealously in her eyes makes me pause, but I do not comment on it knowing it will just leave us both angry.

"I'll see you later then. I'm glad you're..." she cuts me off there her anger reaching a boiling point.

"No you won't! You'll be here with Liam, just like mum is every night! Now move on arse hole, go to your stupid fieance!" she screams at me tears running down her cheeks and her words drawing the couple of nurses in the halls attention.

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