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The Bataan fleet approached Long Beach's location and got close enough to see it.

The Bataan fleet approached Long Beach's location and got close enough to see it

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Fletcher: Visual confirmation with target.

Bataan: This is weird.

Amazon: What's weird?

Bataan: My radars can't get a clear reading on that cruiser.

Amazon: Yes, but it has a very strange design.

They could see a ship that has a very unusual design, from this distance they could only see two small caliber cannons in the middle part of the cruiser.

Fletcher: Where's the fireplace? I can't see it from here.

Bataan: Our questions will soon be answered.

The girls approached and could see the kansen standing on the railing of the flight deck at the stern in surprise, so Bataan and Amazon cautiously approached the stern of the cruiser.

Bataan: Are you the kansen of this ship?

Me: Yes, I am USS Long Beach, Long Beach class cruiser, I am a member of the United States Navy.

Bataan: Well, I don't know you, USS Long Beach. Who really are you?

Me: I already told you, I'm from the United States of America Navy.

Bataan: United States?

Amazon: Where is that place?

Me: It's in North America, above Mexico and below Canada.

Amazon: Mexico? Canada?

Me: (These girls are so dumb)

Bataan: I think we don't know what you're talking about, where is Mexico or Canada?

Me: Now I get it, so I'm not in my world anymore.

Bataan: World?

Our protagonist seeks to confuse Bataan in order to explain the situation in Long Beach, which is why she lies.

Me: Now I just found out, You guys don't know about the United States.

Batan: No.

Me: In that case the only logical explanation is that I am no longer in my world and now I am in your world.

The girls look at me strangely.

Me: My name is Long Beach, but I don't know anything about you.

Bataan: Ah, my name is Bataan, I lead this patrol fleet.

Amazon: I am Amazon.

Fletcher: I'm Fletcher.

Concord: I'm Concord.

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