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pov first person

I am now on the deck of the New Jersey with her fleet.

Jersey: (Brisk tone) Hi rookie, I've heard a lot from you, I'm New Jersey and I'm an Iowa class battleship.

Me: I'm Long Beach, I'm a Long Beach class cruiser, it's a pleasure working with you.

Jersey: Nice to meet you, now I introduce you to my attack fleet.

Boise: My name is USS Boise.

San Francisco: I'm San Francisco, my pleasure.

Ticonderoga: I am USS Ticonderoga, Essex-class aircraft carrier.

Jersey: Well, for now it's us, the rest of my fleet is grounded due to repairs and maintenance.

Me: I understand.

Francisco: Well, we count on you (Smiles)

Me: Likewise.


The Azur Lane fleet continued to speed towards the Orochi fleet.

Enterprise looks to the horizon while she is thoughtful, in that behind her is Belfast.

Belfast: Are you sure with this plan?

Enterprise: We have no choice, the enemy is targeting our home with a weapon of mass destruction, we don't have more time to think of strategies as we don't have the resources to execute them, any pincer strategy or other maneuvers will consume a lot of resources, this operation fails, the fate of humanity will be lost.

Belfast: I see, so we are between a rock and a hard place.

Enterprise: Yes, if this mission fails humanity will be doomed, I hope that the movement of your queen is a hope of light in this path of darkness.

Belfast: Don't worry, Queen Elizabeth may seem immature, but she definitely knows what she's doing.

Enterprise: (smiles) In that case I won't worry and buy as much time as I need.

Belfast: As long as this fleet delays the enemy for 4 hours it will be enough.

Enterprise: Four hours? Yes, it will be a very difficult fight.

Me: [I have radar contact, apparently the empire started to get involved with the Orochi fleet]

Enterprise: [How far away?]

Me: [A distance of 250 km to the northeast]

Enterprise: [Can you do a precision bombardment from here?]

Belfast: Hey Enterprise, don't ask for the impossible.

Enterprise: (Smiles) Knowing Long-chan, I wouldn't be surprised if she could shoot targets hundreds of miles away.

Belfast: I think you are overestimating Miss Long Beach's capabilities.

Me: [Hey Enterprise, was that a stupid question? Sure I can shoot]

Enterprise: (mocking tone) What were you saying Miss Belfast?

Belfast: (shocked and open-mouthed) ...

Enterprise: [You are allowed to fire on the siren ships and Orochi]

Me: [OK]

Enterprise: [I must inform you that you have just left Belfast speechless]

Me: [That's not my fault, fine I'm going to shoot]

Enterprise sees the Long Beach ship get covered in smoke at the stern and Enterprise and Belfast can see multiple rockets (Enterprise and Belfast's point of view) shoot out and then correct the trajectory towards the fleet of Orochi.

Azur Lane: Long Beach in another worldWhere stories live. Discover now