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Today I woke up in the morning and dressed in sports clothes to do my morning exercises, when I was about to start my session I saw Repulse running to my position.

Me: Hi Repulse, how are you?

Repulse: (Concerned) It's serious, we have an emergency meeting in 10 minutes, you have to be present.

Me: I understand (God, now what happened?)

Repulse after handing me the information quickly leaves, I quickly headed to my captain's room and changed my clothes and then headed to the office.


Now we are already in the office and all the representatives of the Eagle Union and Royal Navy faction.

Wales: An hour ago we received a distress call from our spies.

Enterprise: I see. Now how do we rescue them?

Wales: Well, we know that they are on an island in the Pacific, they did not give us the exact location due to fear that the enemy could intercept the communication.

Me: We should deploy some aircraft carriers for search and rescue.

Enterprise: Yes, you're right, Your Majesty we should deploy a carrier division to search for our spies.

Me: Yes, if the enemy knows the location of our agents, that makes it easier for us to search.

QE: I see, not a bad idea. But how do we get past the enemy blockade?

Enterprise: Well, with a decoy fleet I would attack the enemy fleet and another smaller division to rescue the agents and that would be more than enough.

Wales: Yes, I also support that idea.

Me: Enterprise.

Enterprise: Yes.

Me: It is possible that the aircraft carriers of the first or fifth division want to fight you, we should deploy a double of yours so that they are confused.

Enterprise: You're right.

Wales: Get ready, we're leaving in 3 hours, use this time to check your equipment.

All: Understood!


Inside a building, Akashi inspects the Black Cube.

Akashi: It's a mystery, Nya.

Edinburgh: You really don't know anything? It is the secret weapon of your empire, right?

Akashi: I'm just a logistics and repair ship, I don't know anything about this, Nya.

Akashi looks at the cube and has a flashback where she is almost killed by a high-ranking siren Observer.

Akashi: (Shudders in fear) Who would have thought that they discovered the secrets of the sirens? This is very bad, I am very scared.

Suddenly Sheffield arrives and enters through the window.

Sheffield: I'm back.

Edinburgh: Welcome. How did it go?

Sheffield: Enemy planes are patrolling, we can't escape for now as they found out that we are hiding here, the empire is also receiving assistance from Iron Blood.

Edinburgh: (Scared) What are we going to do?

Sheffield: For now we will wait, the headquarters know about our situation, we just have to wait for them to rescue us, but I doubt that those of the empire will remain with their arms crossed.

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