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In the Kaga shipyard, ignoring Nagato's orders, she herself decided to activate Orochi without caring that the project is finished, Kaga began with the preparations.

While Kaga was making preparations, Prinz Eugen infiltrated the shipyard to see if he could steal the plans for the Orochi.

Eugen: I'm sorry, Sakura Empire, but I'll take Orochi's blueprints, hmm?

In that Eugen sees something on the cover of Orochi.

Eugen: Is that Kaga?

Kaga: Ne-sama, here I come. Orochi ENGAGE!

In that Orochi is activated causing a slight tremor, the dry dock floods with seawater.

Eugen: (Shock) This is wrong, I have to get out of here before all this collapses.

Eugen started running to get out of this place.

Outside, the entire island of the empire began to tremble taking some Kansen by surprise, Nagato looked out the window of the imperial palace somewhat upset.

Nagato: That stupid, I should have confined her.

Kawakaze: What shall we do, Your Majesty?

Nagato: Quick, summon the high-ranking kansen, quick!

Kawakaze: Yes, your majesty!

Kawakaze runs out, at the port of the empire, Takao and Zuikaku run along the dock, while everyone is alert because this tremor is not normal.

Shokaku: What's going on?

Kako: I don't know, but it could be a siren fleet or Azur Lane.

In that they all see something that chills their blood, they could see that from the shadow of the island a gigantic warship appeared, it is a ship that easily exceeds in size any ship built in real life, it is even longer than the Oil Tanker Knock Nevis that has a length of 458 m.

Takao: (Shocked) What is that?

Atago: (Shock) Is that... Orochi?

In that the girls see Kaga climbed on the fore deck of the Orochi.

Shokaku: (Furious) I knew there was something dirty here! I knew it and no one believed me!

Zuikaku: (Shock) Is that Kaga?

Takao: Unfortunately yes.

In the Orochi, Kaga she has a brief flashback.

In the Flashback we can see Amagi walking through the streets of the empire while keeping a very refreshing smile, in that Amagi realizes that Naka and Mutsuki are running.

Magi: What's up?

Mutsuki: This is bad...

Naka: Kaga and Akagi fought again, we have tried to separate them, but it is impossible for us.

Amagi: (sigh) God, these girls


The emergency meeting had been called, Soryuu, Hiryuu, Takao, Fusou, Kongou, Shokaku, Kawakaze, Mutsu and Nagato participate in this meeting.

Shokaku: As I said before, the situation is very bad, in the first place, we shouldn't have bet on something we didn't know anything about.

Nagato: Hm, I think so too, but I think I got carried away by my greed.

Fusou: I think you weren't the only one who thought that way, I think we all get carried away by the desire for power.

Nagato: Well, we can't cry over spilled milk. Now we have to find a way to intercept Orochi's fleet.

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