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The combat takes place in another dimension.

On this aircraft carrier, Soryuu warily watches this warlike event.

Soryuu: I see this has already started.

Hiryuu: Sister, by the way, where are we? What did Akagi-san do?

Soryuu: I don't know, but what I do know is that we are in an alternate universe to ours and that Akagi is being manipulated by something or someone.

In the skies 10 Dauntless fighter-bombers fly by at their maximum speed, Enterprise drives one of those planes, their objective is to bomb the empire's aircraft carriers, Kaga and Zuikaku see those planes.

Kaga: (Chuckles) I see, so the female lead makes her appearance, I'm tired of waiting for her.

Zuikaku: It's Enterprise! Now I will take revenge for that time!

Kaga: Don't interfere! She is mine!

Zuikaku: But I want to face her!

Kaga: This is my fight! I have to get my honor back! There is no space for a raving newbie of the fights!

Enterprise: [¡KAGAAAAA!]

Kaga: [¡Enterpriseeeeeeeeee!]

Enterprise and her planes drop their bombs on Kaga's carrier, Kaga summoning her rig before the bombs hit the flight deck.

Kaga summons 5 fighter planes and she gets on one of their planes and the chase and dogfight between two SSR carriers begins.

It was a very disadvantageous battle for Enterprise as Kaga's planes are Interceptors and Enterprise's air fleet are Bombers, but Enterprise still orders her planes to use the rear guns to shoot down Kaga's planes.

From the ground Zuikaku looks at everything surprised.

Zuikaku: Since when do aircraft carriers pilot their planes personally?

Shokaku: No idea, but you shouldn't copy them.

The duel continued in the sky, the machine guns from Enterprise's planes manage to shoot down some Zeros, but Kaga's planes also shoot down some Dauntless planes.

Enterprise: [Have you really betrayed humanity? Do they really work with sirens?]

Kaga: [Ara, it seems that Akashi didn't know how to keep her mouth shut, I think she will be disciplined later]

Enterprise: (Indignant) [You are traitors, not only that, but you betrayed the trust of everyone including your empire.]

In that Enterprise fires several arrows from the cockpit and Kaga dodges all of Enterprise's shots.

Kaga: (Annoyed) [You don't know anything about me or my sister]

In that the planes of both warriors break the formation to make a frontal encounter and...


The only planes that survived were the planes that Kaga and Enterprise fly.

Kaga: Tch, it's a draw.

Enterprise: That bitch isn't bad at all.

From a distance Akagi looks at everything.

Akagi: (Preparing a treacherous attack) I can't let my sister do all the dirty work.

In that Akagi feels a disturbance of the force and she sees that several small caliber projectiles are directed towards her.

Azur Lane: Long Beach in another worldWhere stories live. Discover now